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» » News 2022 - 2 Summer
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News 2022 - 2 Summer

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Cross stitch & needlework patterns  (continued)

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The Dreaming Girl grows Wings


Initially introduced in steps as an SAL, this design is now available as a whole pattern. Part of the amazing Dreaming girl series, she has grown colorful wings and turned into a butterfly. In between her delicate antenna is a tiny hat carrying her sunshades.

Winged Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Winged Dreams
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Winged Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

And yet another butterfly...


This time our dreaming girl is in Asia, her motionless figure contrasting with her vivid dream.

Butterfly Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Butterfly Dreams
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Butterfly Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1


>> see all Dreaming Girl patterns by Barbara Ana Designs

More patterns with Butterflies


Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Butterflies zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Blackwork Butterflies
Lesley Teare Designs
Marie-Anne Rethoret-Melin - Butterfly motifs (on Bath Towel) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Butterfly motifs (on Bath Towel)
Marie-Anne Rethoret-Melin
Maria Diaz Designs - Butterfly Alphabet zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Butterfly Alphabet
Maria Diaz Designs
Tiny Modernist - Butterfly Biscornu (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Butterfly Biscornu
Tiny Modernist


>> see all patterns with Butterflies

Travels with a donkey


This turn of the century French sampler, part of Meriem Chauvet's private collection, features a very attractive alphabet with ornate letters and a donkey motif, actually from an existing Sajou chart published decades earlier. Of particular interest is the use of double running stitch outlining some motifs in a contrasting color, in order to provide extra emphasis. A cross stitch reproduction sampler from Couleur Tourterelle.

Jeanne Podebon 1906 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle

Jeanne Podebon 1906

Reproduction Sampler by Couleur Tourterelle
Jeanne Podebon 1906 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle, zoom 1

>> see all Reproduction Samplers by Couleur Tourterelle


More patterns with Donkeys


Marie Diaz Designs - Sepia Baby Animal alphabet zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Sepia Baby Animal alphabet
Marie Diaz Designs
Lesley Teare Designs - Toile de Jouy zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Toile de Jouy
Lesley Teare Designs
Perrette Samouiloff - Baby Lou zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Baby Lou
Perrette Samouiloff
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - Bremen Town Musicians (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Bremen Town Musicians
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka


Fiery Night


An amazing tribute by Barbara Ana to impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh and his world-known Starry night. The designer manages to recreate in cross stitch the movement, colors and vision of the tormented artist, blending in her own images, brightly lit homes and a dreaming girl with hair raising like flames.

Dreaming of Van Gogh cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Dreaming of Van Gogh
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Dreaming of Van Gogh cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see all Dreaming Girl patterns by Barbara Ana Designs


Dreaming of Klimt - revisited as the Queen of Sheba


We love it when a stitcher is inspired by a pattern, and turns it into a unique work. Here is a wonderful idea shared by Nona J. who was inspired by one of Barbara Ana's designs:


"I tried a couple of variations with Klimt.  I stitched on a 7 ct. aida so she would look kind of like a tapestry.  As I worked, I wanted to give her an identity, so she became the queen of Sheba.  It is very imperfect and looks coarse from the 7 ct., but I like the way it reflects Klimpt's own contrasting quirks....using precious, fine gold, yet painting in unpredictable blocks of color.  I also used a shiny rayon thread for jewel tones and after watching a documentary on Klimt, painting over gold leaf, I infused quite a bit of metallic gold thread.  Just thought you'd enjoy a glimpse.  It's not perfect, but I love her.  Happy creating, Nona J."

Dreaming of Klimt,  by Barbara Ana Designs revisited as the Queen of Sheba


Nona's work (left and below)



Original design (right)
Dreaming of Klimt

Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Dreaming of Klimt cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, original

Dreaming of Klimt,  by Barbara Ana Designs revisited as the Queen of Sheba (zoom1)

Dreaming of Klimt,  by Barbara Ana Designs revisited as the Queen of Sheba (zoom 2)

Dreaming of Klimt,  by Barbara Ana Designs revisited as the Queen of Sheba (zoom3)

We find that the Queen of Sheba theme fits perfectly with Barbara Ana's work and tribute to Klimt.

Thank you so much Nona for sharing such a wonderful idea!


Kateryna - Stitchy Princess Cross stitch pattern logo


Introducing New Designer

Kateryna, for Stitchy Princess


We are both proud and moved to be presenting the work of Ukrainian designer Kateryna, designing under the Stitchy Princess brand.


Kateryna, lives in Ukraine, and contacted us at the beginning of the war, when her country had just been invaded. She was on the front line and we were more than happy to help. In spite of erratic internet connections, we worked hard together to get her designs up and going on our website, and here we are! We just pray that Kateryna and her loved ones stay safe. We find her incredibly brave to keep designing and working in the terrible circumstances she is going through.


We are however also very proud to be presenting Kateryna's work for its own sake, as we are with all other designers Creative Poppy publishes. Indeed, on top of her fertile imagination and creativity, we find Katheryna has achieved what every true designer aims for, developping a cross stitch style of her own.

Now it's for you stitchers to judge for yourselves.

cross stitch patterns by Ukrainian designer Kateryna of Stitchy Princess

>> see all patterns by Kateryna, Stitchy Princess


>> see all the news for Kateryna, Stitchy Princess



Due to the war, and in particular the situation in designer's home town, we are providing as much support as possible, and will be donating an extra $1 for each pattern sold through Creative Poppy's website.

You can help too by spreading the word about Kateryna's designs.  Thank you!

In the manner of a vintage postcard


As if it were an antique black and white photograph, this pattern shows the arrival in Chamonix of the first tourists, who came to admire the French Alps and Mont Blanc and discover its awesome glacier. The Gentlemen and Ladies' clothes were not really adapted - women in heels and long dresses - but the local mountaineers equipped them with ropes and guided them on the glacier.

The cross stitch pattern depicts the mountain landscape and the group with clearly distinguishable silhouettes. A cross stitch chart designed by Monique Bonnin.

Greetings from Mont Blanc Glacier - Vintage Postcard cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

Greetings from Mont Blanc Glacier - Vintage Postcard
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
Greetings from Mont Blanc Glacier - Vintage Postcard cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1


More vintage Postcards and Greeting cards by Monique Bonnin


Monique Bonnin - Vintage Postards and greeting cards - Holly Greeting card (cross stitch chart)
Holly Greeting card
Monique Bonnin - Vintage Postards and greeting cards - Incoming Storm Postcard (cross stitch chart)
Incoming Storm Postcard
Monique Bonnin - Vintage Postards and greeting cards - Best Wishes (cross stitch chart)
Best Wishes
Monique Bonnin - Vintage Postards and greeting cards - Gathered for you (cross stitch chart )
Gathered for you

>> see more vintage postcard patterns by Monique Bonnin


A mirror between two worlds


The world is upside down in this very creative and colorful cross stitch design by Barbara Ana. The Little Mermaid languishes in her underwater kingdom, fish swimming in the waters above her head. The other world that attracts the little mermaid so much is pictured through a magnificent solar motif, which appears sealed and inaccessible to her.

Little Red Fish cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Little Red Fish
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Little Red Fish cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

Under the Sea by Barbara Ana

Barbara Ana Designs - A New World - Part  5: Over the Seas (cross stitch chart)
Over the Seas
Barbara Ana Designs - Flowers from the Sea (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Flowers from the Sea
Barbara Ana Designs - A New World - Part  5: Over the Seas (cross stitch chart)
Over the Seas
Barbara Ana Designs4 - A Pearl from the Sea (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
A Pearl from the Sea

More patterns with Mermaids


Lesley Teare Designs - Fantasy Mermaid zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Fantasy Mermaid
Lesley Teare Designs
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - The Little Mermaid zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The Little Mermaid
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Maria Diaz Designs - Seafare's Globe zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Seafarer's Globe
Maria Diaz Designs
Riverdrift House - Ahoy! (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Riverdrift House

>> see all patterns with Mermaids (all designers)


Two new reproduction Samplers


Over 150 years ago, two young girls, one living in rural France, the other in Flanders, complete their sampler.

Marie Joséphine, no doubt the youngest of the two, carefully reproduces the letters her elders have taught her. By contrast, Catherine Elisabeth is already 16 years old. The central motif of her work is the biblical scene of Adam & Eve. Most interesting however is the bird cage on the right, a symbol of marriage (see detail on pattern page). Other motifs include a cradle and more domestic items. No doubt the young stitcher already had marriage in mind.

Both patterns are from Meriem Chauvet's private collection of antique samplers and the Couleur Tourterelle reproduction charts are exact replicas of the originals.

Marie Joséphine Brayard 1856 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle

Marie Joséphine Brayard 1856

Reproduction Sampler by Couleur Tourterelle
Marie Joséphine Brayard 1856 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle, zoom 1
Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle

Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826

Reproduction Sampler by Couleur Tourterelle
Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle, zoom 1

More Reproduction Samplers by Couleur Tourterelle


Couleur Tourterelle - Hortense de Frocourt1887 (cross stitch chart)
Hortense de Frocourt1887
Couleur Tourterelle - Gilberte Maleinge 1924 (cross stitch chart)
Gilberte Maleinge 1924
Couleur Tourterelle - Mme Tougas 1904 (cross stitch chart)
Mme Tougas 1904
Couleur Tourterelle - Manoela Estadella  (cross stitch chart )
Manoela Estadella


>> see all Reproduction Samplers by Couleur Tourterelle

Girl's Beach Fashion, then and now


Perrette Samouiloff pictures little girls of yore (top part in navy), all pretty and dressed up for a trip to the seaside, striding along the beach with spade and bucket, holding on to their straw hats in the wind. Nowadays too (lower part in lighter blue) little girls still enjoy dressing up for the beach, still holding on to their hats in the wind. 

Sailor Blue (Girl's Beach Fashion, then and now) cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

Sailor Blue
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Sailor Blue (Girl's Beach Fashion, then and now) cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1


Fashion through the ages with Perrette Samouiloff


Perrette Samouiloff - La vie de chateau - Life at the court I - 17th century zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Life at the court I - 17th century
Perrette Samouiloff - La vie de chateau - Life at the court of Versailles II - 18th century zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Life at the court II - 18th

Perrette Samouiloff - 1900's Bathing Costumes (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom1)
1900's Bathing Costumes


Perrette Samouiloff - Paris Rive Gauche zoom (cross stitch chart)
Paris Rive Gauche


>> see all Fashion and Period costumes by Perrette Samouiloff

More Seaside patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Perrette Samouiloff excels at depicting seaside scenes, you can see she really enjoys observing seal ife and people having fun near the sea.

Happy Childhood,Seaside (large) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Happy Childhood, Seaside
Gone fishing - color version (large pattern) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Gone fishing
Seaside motif sampler (large) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Seaside motif sampler
Perrette Samouiloff - Seaside Wreath (cross stitch pattern chart)
Seaside Wreath


>> see all Seaside patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Graceful Dragonflies


This cross stitch alphabet by Lesley Teare comes in wonderful aqua green and blue colors, not only of the dragonflies themselves, but also echoed in the changing colors of each letter. 

Dragonfly Alphabet cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare designs

Dragonfly Alphabet
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare designs
Dragonfly Alphabet cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare designs, zoom 1


More patterns with Dragonflies


Tiny Modernist - Dragonfly pillow zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Dragonfly pillow
Tiny Modernist
Lesley Teare Designs - Flower & Dragonfly Blackwork zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Flower & Dragonfly Blackwork
Lesley Teare Designs
Lesley Teare Designs - Waterlily & Dragonfly zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Waterlily & Dragonfly
Lesley Teare Designs
Tapestry Barn - Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies
Tapestry Barn

>> see all patterns with Bugs and Butterflies (all designers)

More designs for Bathroom towels


The dragonfly alphabet is perfect for stitching sets of customized bathroom towels, each person with their own initials. These projects make perfect gifts too.

Many other patterns can be stitched on "Ready-to-stitch" terry towels that come with a specially woven Aida band where you can cross stitch initials and/or motifs of your choice. Here is a selection of patterns especially designed for bathroom towels. 

Butterflies - design for Hand towel - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
design for Hand towel
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Wandering Ducks - Design for Hand towel - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Wandering Ducks
Design for Hand towel
Faby Reilly Designs - High Seas band (Nautical decor) zoom (cross stitch chart)
High Seas band
Faby Reilly Designs
The parakeets - design for Bathroom towel - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
The parakeets
design for Bathroom towel
Perrette Samouiloff


>> see all cross stitch patterns for Bathroom towels


>> see our tips and size-guide for Ready-to-stitch Bathroom towels

Give hardanger a try?


Warning: this stitch can quickly become addictive!

Part of Faby Reilly's Masterclass series; the designer takes you by the hand, starting on familiar ground with a cross stitch and backstitch background, blending in a cute Hardanger heart. Along the way, guided by excellent tutorials, you will learn how to master kloster blocks, cutwork and woven bars. 

What we love about Faby Reilly's patterns and guides is that, in addition to excellent close-up step-by-step photos, they are full of excellent tips and dos and don'ts so you cannot go wrong.

Love You Dad - Hardanger basics Masterclass cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Love You Dad - Hardanger basics Masterclass
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Love You Dad - Hardanger basics Masterclass cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1


A couple of stitches from from Faby Reilly's Masterclasses


Faby Reilly Designs - Kloster blocks (cross stitch chart)
Kloster blocks
Faby Reilly Designs - Rhode's Butterfly (cross stitch chart)
Rhode's Butterfly
Faby Reilly Designs - Woven Picot stitch (cross stitch chart)
Woven Picot stitch
Faby Reilly Designs - Spiderweb stitch (cross stitch chart )
Spiderweb stitch

Other stitches include Whipped backstitch, Colonial knots, Stumpwork and more.

>> see all Specialty Stitch Masterclasses by Faby Reilly Designs


Interstellar trip


Embark on a voyage with Barbara Ana and explore the confines of the universe, traveling through stardust, gaseous clouds and swirling planets, into the mysterious world of meditation and dream. A small cross stitch pattern yet an amazing design.

Cosmic Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana

Cosmic Dreams
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana
Cosmic Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana, zoom 1


Crowned as a Queen


Designed by Barbara Ana and initially available as an SAL*, the Floral Dreams pattern is now revealed and available as a regular pattern.

*Existing SAL subscribers can still access their download page but we will not be taking new SAL subscriptions.


This is the portrait of a beautiful Mesoamerican deep in her dreams, head bedecked with flowers reminiscent of the wonderful feather headgear of her precolumbian ancestors, and neck and body covered with gold jewelry.

Floral Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Floral Dreams
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Floral Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see all Dreaming Girl patterns by Barbara Ana Designs


Monique Bonnin's vintage cross stitch postcards


We are delighted to be adding 5 new patterns to Monique Bonnin's wonderful collection of old-style greeting cards. Each one comes with quite a unique theme and layout, inspired by old postcards found at the flee market. They are filled with retro fonts, romantic frames and so glamourous with their metallic highlights and beadwork. Perfect to cross stitch for Birthdays and Special events. 

Gathered for You - Vintage Postcard / Greeting Card cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

Gathered for You - Vintage Postcard / Greeting Card
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
Gathered for You - Vintage Postcard / Greeting Card cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1
Old garden Roses (Best Wishes) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

Old garden Roses (Best Wishes)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
Old garden Roses (Best Wishes) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1
Sweet Violets (With Love) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

Sweet Violets (With Love)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
Sweet Violets (With Love) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1
Daisy Heart (With Love / Happy Mother's Day) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

Daisy Heart (With Love / Happy Mother's Day)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
Daisy Heart (With Love / Happy Mother's Day) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1
With all my Heart (With Love) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

With all my Heart (With Love)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
With all my Heart (With Love) cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1

Date of dispatch


Don't forget to postmark your card!

As a fun final touch, all postcards with "post stamps" can be personalized with a full date. So you can customize with the date of the Birthday or special event the card is used for and it will remain a family heirloom.

Vintage Post card by Monique Bonnin (cross stitch chart)
Vintage Post card by Monique Bonnin  (cross stitch chart)Vintage Post card by Monique Bonnin (cross stitch chart)

Stitch the French version


All these vintage postcard patterns were originally designed in French, and the stamps are all genuine copies of old French stamps with several generations of the lady "Marianne" stamp represented. If you'd like to stitch the original French version, simply drop us a note when you have placed your order and we'll be happy to send you the files. View French versions below:

Monique Bonnin Vintage postcard - Cueillies pour vous (cross stitch chart)
Cueillies pour vous
Monique Bonnin Vintage postcard - Bonne Fête (cross stitch chart)
Bonne Fête
Monique Bonnin Vintage postcard - Bonne Fête (cross stitch chart)
Bonne Fête
Monique Bonnin Vintage postcard - Bonne Fête/Bonne fête Maman (cross stitch chart )
Bonne Fête/Bonne fête Maman
Monique Bonnin Vintage postcard - Bonne Fête (cross stitch chart )
Bonne Fête


>> see all vintage postcard patterns by Monique Bonnin


New patterns for Father's Day

Father's day is just round the corner (June 19th in many countries). In Lesley Teare's iconic series of Teddy cards, here come four lovely cross stitch patterns each featuring Dad and Child and a special message for Father's Day:

Lesley Teare Designs - Father's Day Teddy card 1 (cross stitch chart)
Father's Day Teddy card 1
Lesley Teare Designs - Father's Day Teddy card 2 (cross stitch chart)
Father's Day Teddy card 2
Lesley Teare Designs - Father's Day Teddy card 3 (cross stitch chart)
Father's Day Teddy card 3
Lesley Teare Designs - Father's Day Teddy card 4 (cross stitch chart )
Father's Day Teddy card 4


So many reasons to celebrate!


30th, 40th, 50th Birthday? Retirement? Father's Day? Moving House? This joyous "Bird day" card by Lesley Teare is so versatile, you can use it for virtually any occasion. The cross stitch chart includes letters in lower and upper case and there are two sizes of numbers so you can put extra emphasis on the Birthday for instance.

Happy Bird Day (+ Birthday ABC) cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Happy Bird Day

(+ Birthday ABC)

Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Happy Bird Day (+ Birthday ABC) cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1



New Summer patterns by Lesley Teare


All patterns are part of a series with one for each season which you can display in your home and rotate throughout the year. Here are Lesley Teare's most recent releases for Summer.

xxx - Blackwork Summer design (cross stitch chart)
Blackwork Summer design

xxx - Seasonal Sampler Summer (cross stitch chart)
Seasonal Sampler Summer



xxx - Blackwork with Summer flowers (cross stitch chart)
Blackwork with Summer flowers


Summer now almost here!


Apologies to our friends in the Southern hemisphere if we get a little excited. In our part of the world it's now only a couple of weeks till its officially and finally Summer!

Agnès Delage-Calvet - A story Told in Stitches: A day at the Seaside -  counted cross stitch pattern chart (zoom1)
A day at the Seaside
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Maria Diaz - Holiday Suitcase Sampler zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Holiday Suitcase (detail)
Maria Diaz
Scissor case & scissor fob - Sunny Colors - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Sunny Colors Needlework set
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Riverdrift House - Summer Mini Sampler zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Summer Mini Sampler
Riverdrift House
Gracewood Stitches - July - Bees & Poppies (cross stitch chart)
July - Bees & Poppies
Gracewood Stitches
Riverdrift House - Ahoy! zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Riverdrift House


>> see all the latest cross stitch news for Summer (all designers)


>> see all Summer patterns (all designers)

A new Dreaming Girl for summer


For Barbara Ana's Dreaming Girl fans, here's some wonderful news: we have a brand new Dreaming Girl for Summer. We love the creative layout with the sea raising from her mind in a swirl, as if everything was upside down. 

Sailing Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs

Sailing Dreams
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs
Sailing Dreams cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs, zoom 1

>> see all Barbara Ana Dreaming Girl portraits

More Dreaming Girls by Barbara Ana


Barbara Ana Designs - Dreaming Frida zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Dreaming Frida
Barbara Ana Designs - Dreaming of Klimt, zoom 1 (Cross stitch chart)
Dreaming of Klimt
Barbara Ana Designs - Garden of Dreams zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Garden of Dreams
Barbara Ana Designs - Dreaming Girl, zoom 1 (ERRORchart)
Dreaming Girl

>> see all patterns in the Dreaming Girls series designed by Barbara Ana


Hear the Jazz music in full swing


Jazz comes alives in cross stitch thanks to this amazing design by Perrette Samouiloff featuring five musicians and their instruments, in exquisite detail. We love the way the musicians' postures have been captured, as well as the vintage 1920's feel.

Jazz Band cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

Jazz Band
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Jazz Band cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1



More patterns related to music by Perrette Samouiloff


Perrette Samouiloff - The Little Orchestra (large) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The Little Orchestra (large)
Perrette Samouiloff - The little orchestra (Small) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The little orchestra (Small)
Perrette Samouiloff - The Carol Singers zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The Carol Singers
Perrette Samouiloff - Carnival (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)


More patterns related to music (all designers)


Riverdrift house - Birds & Words - Music zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Birds & Words - Music
Riverdrift house
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - Bremen Town Musicians (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Bremen Town Musicians
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Tam's Creations - Winnie's music zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Winnie's music
Tam's Creations


>> see all the News related to Music and cross stitch


>> see all patterns related to Music (all designers)


Two new reproduction samplers by Couleur Tourterelle


From Meriem Chauvet's private collection here are two antique works reproduced in perfectly identical cross stitch charts. The antique samplers are still in their original frame. The first one stitched in woollen threads - bright wool colors having just been introduced thanks to innovations in dyes, and both are stitched on canvas, also an innovation of the time making it easier to stitch than linen, an ancestor of sorts of Aida fabric.

Zélie Lecoeuvre 1873 cross stitch pattern by Couleur Tourterelle

Zélie Lecoeuvre 1873
Reproduction sampler pattern by Couleur Tourterelle
Zélie Lecoeuvre 1873 cross stitch pattern by Couleur Tourterelle, zoom 1
B. Marsallat 1905 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle

B. Marsallat 1905

Reproduction Sampler by Couleur Tourterelle
B. Marsallat 1905 cross stitch reproduction sampler by Couleur Tourterelle, zoom 1


Tracing back the origins of the motifs


What makes both these designs particularly interesting is that Meriem Chauvet has been able to trace back the origins of some of the motifs used by the stitchers.

In the case of Zélie, the stitcher picked four of her motifs from the 1852 issue of a women's fashion magazine of the time, "Le magasin des familles". The magazine was in black and white but included some extra sheets, one of them a color cross stitch chart, quite innovative too for the times. No doubt each issue of the magazine was preciously preserved in each household as this sampler was only stitched 20 years later.

In the case of B. Marsallat, two of the motifs, the running dog and the beehive were picked in separate Sajou catalogues. Those charts were monochrome.

xxx - Zélie Lecoeuvre 1873 (cross stitch chart)
Zélie Lecoeuvre 1873

xxx - motif picked in the August 1852 issue of women's fashion magazine “Le Magasin des Familles” (cross stitch chart)
Motif picked in the

August 1852 issue of

women's fashion magazine

“Le Magasin des Familles”

xxx - B. Marsallat 1905 (cross stitch chart)
B. Marsallat 1905
xxx - Motifs picked in two different issues of Sajou catalogues (cross stitch chart )
Motifs picked in two different issues of Sajou catalogues


>> see all Reproduction Samplers by Couleur Tourterelle

A beautiful perspective effect


This stunning perspective effect with a garland of shamrock disappearing into the distance is achieved by a clever combination of cross stitch and Stumpwork. Indeed designer Faby Reilly only works the closer leaves in cross stitch, working the further ones in Stumpwork, combining satin stitch and felt for a padded effect. The chart includes an excellent tutorial. An expert level design suitable for an experienced cross stitcher looking for a bit of challenge.

Shamrock Swirl cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Shamrock Swirl
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Shamrock Swirl cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1

More Specialty stitch tutorials by Faby Reilly


Each of these designs focuses on a particular specialty stitch. Learn the tricks with Faby Reilly's excellent step by step guides. Once you have mastered these stitches, you will be able to add your own effects and enhance your stitching in many other projects.

Faby Reilly Designs - Rhodes Butterfly zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Rhodes Butterfly
Faby Reilly Designs - Long & Short Stitch zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Long & Short Stitch
Faby Reilly Designs - Woven picot Stitch (cross stitch pattern chart ) (zoom1)
Woven picot Stitch
Faby Reilly Designs - Whipped backstitch zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Whipped backstitch


>> see all patterns mixing cross stitch and other specialty stitches (all designers)


Architecture and Styles


Designed by Lesley Teare, here are two new samplers paying tribute to different architectural styles.

The first one to late 18th century England when Georgian architectural changed the face of town and country. Four stately homes are pictured in the all-season sampler.

The second sampler is a tribute to the Shaker style of living and features the characteristic dwellings of Shaker communities established in North America.

Georgian Garden sampler cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Georgian Garden sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Georgian Garden sampler cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1
Shaker style sampler cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Shaker style sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Shaker style sampler cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Lesley Teare Designs

>> see all patterns featuring Houses and Gardens (all designers)


Did you know Creative Poppy also offers chart packs?


Creative Poppy patterns are available as downloadable pattern files. However, if you would like to receive professionally printed charts, we can also deliver your charts directly to your mail box.


This is ideal if you don't want to bother with downloading and printing your files, or if you can't obtain best quality print-outs at home. Also it's nice to have a beautiful chart you can archive.


What you get:

- Professionally printed color charts on beautiful extra smooth paper. Each chart is packaged individually in a sleeve.

- Chart packs are shipped in a strong flat box so they reach you in perfect state.


>> find out about our Shipping by Mail service


By the way, you still get your downloadable chart. So you can source your supplies while you wait for the postman, you can print out working copies that can be used for highlighting while stitching. 


Shipping by mail Service <br>Fixed fee, up to 10 patternsShipping by mail Service <br>Fixed fee, up to 10 patternsShipping by mail Service <br>Fixed fee, up to 10 patterns


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