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News 2020 - 3

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Cross stitch & needlework patterns  (continued)

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Feel the sand between your toes


Spot those fantastic Lolita-style sunglasses. This cross stitch pattern is bound to bring back happy memories of seaside fun. A design by Faby Reilly.

Summer Dreams Mandala cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Summer Dreams Mandala
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Summer Dreams Mandala cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1

>> see all cross stitch patterns for summer (all designers)


More patterns related to the Seaside


Tiny Modernist - Beside the Sea zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Beside the Sea
Tiny Modernist
Perrette Samouiloff - 1900's Bathing Costumes (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom1)
1900's Bathing Costumes
Perrette Samouiloff
Summer Biscornu - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs
Summer Biscornu
Barbara Ana Designs
Riverdrift House - Regatta zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Riverdrift House

>> see all Sea and Seaside patterns 


Lime Green and Aqua blue... Blackwork


Oh so cute with a tiny heart on its cheek, here comes a Seahorse, exquisitely worked in various shades of lime green blackwork and aqua blue cross stitch. Surrounding the hippocampus are three water nymphs, with shimmering wings. A unique Blackwork design by Lesley Teare.

Blackwork Seahorse and friends cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Seahorse and friends
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Seahorse and friends cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1



More underwater creatures by Lesley Teare


Lesley Teare Designs - Fantasy Mermaid zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Fantasy Mermaid
Lesley Teare Designs - Mermaid & Water Nymphs zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Mermaid & Water Nymphs
Lesley Teare Designs - Glorious Seahorse zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Glorious Seahorse

>> See all patterns with mermaids (all designers)

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL: The July part in full detail


Now available, Part Seven comes in the second row, in the third position from the left. It features a cute little bird with rosy cheeks about to dip its beak into a flower. It is perched on a white flower worked in lace-like Blackwork motifs. The dominant colors are a delicate mix of pink, tangerine and pale yellow.


Part Seven is now available for download to all subscribers of the Lesley Teare 2020 SAL.


>> download here (sign-in required)


>> subscribe to the SAL (you can join at any time)

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 1)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 2)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 3)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 4)


Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - sneak preview of the July chartLesley Teare 2020 SAL 

A sneak preview of the August chart



Part Eight will come last from the left in the second row. It features a long tail bird perched a flower on a flower worked in lace-like Blackwork motifs with a rainbow heart. The dominant colors are aqua blue, tangerine and lime green.

Part Eight will be available for download as of August 1st



In the land of rolling hills and vales


The Black Cat Hollow cross stitch pattern, designed by Barbara Ana, is now available newly formatted as a single chart (formally sold in 3 parts).

Black Cat hollow (complete chart) cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs

Black Cat hollow (complete chart)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs
Black Cat hollow (complete chart) cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs, zoom 1

Barbara Ana 2020 Halloween Mystery chart SAL part 3Halloween Mystery SAL - Third and final part now available!


Spellville is a Halloween mystery SAL brought to you by Barbara Ana Designs. Enjoy the excitement of seeing the cross stitch pattern take shape gradually as you complete each part without knowing what is yet to come.


The Part 3 now available and the mystery chart complete. 


If you have already subscribed to the SAL, visit the download page:

>> Download (sign-in required)


Not subscribed yet? The SAL subscription will still be available for purchase for a limited time. If you would like to subscribe to the SAL, you can still order below.

Spellville - Halloween Mystery SAL 2020 cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Order now
Spellville - Halloween Mystery SAL 2020



Left Part 1, right part 2

Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Spellville - Halloween Mystery SAL 2020 cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1


In the manner of vintage textile prints


Perrette Samouiloff latest release is finished into a perfect circle, as if it had been cut from a printed fabric. Inspired by vintage printed fabrics, such as Toile de Jouy, the cross stitch pattern is both elegant and decorative.

Camaïeu Blues cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

Camaïeu Blues
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Camaïeu Blues cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1


More blue monochrome patterns


Colors I love Deep Blue Scissor case - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Deep Blue Scissor case
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Tempting Tangles - Broderie Bleue zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Broderie Bleue
Tempting Tangles
Gone fishing (small pattern) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Gone fishing
Perrette Samouiloff
Gracewood Stitches - Moonlit Garden zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Moonlit Garden
Gracewood Stitches
Magical nights - Blackwork  pattern - by Tam's Creations (zoom 1)
Magical nights (Blackwork)
Tam's Creations

>> see all blue monochrome patterns


Olden days Roses


Full of charm, these roses are also inspired by vintage textile prints. The colors are vibrant and the blue background evocative of a radiant summer sky. The design can be finished into a cushion. However the pretty motifs can be stitched individually, with many alternative finishing ideas. Check the detailed pattern information for more finishing ideas. A cross stitch design by Tapestry Barn.

Vintage Roses - Summer Cushion cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn

Vintage Roses - Summer Cushion
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
Vintage Roses - Summer Cushion cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Tapestry Barn

>> see all the latest news for Tapestry Barn


Formal elegance and casual charm


Here are some more roses, designed by Lesley Teare. One is a bunch freshly cut from the garden, and put in a little milk jug. The other is stylish and chic. Which is your favorite style? 

Delicate Roses cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Delicate Roses
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Delicate Roses cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1
Roses in  Bloom cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Roses in Bloom
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Roses in  Bloom cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see all patterns with Flowers designed by Lesley Teare

More Roses


There's a Rose for you, waiting to be stitched...

Sweet Roses heart
Sweet Roses heart
Faby Reilly Designs
Shannon Christine Designs - Romantic Rose zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Romantic Rose
Shannon Christine Designs
A Rose for You
A Rose for You (detail)
Agnès Delage-Calvet


>> see all the latest news for cross stitching Roses



Anne of Green Gables is back


Kyoko Maruoka of GERA! has now dedicated a third design to one of her beloved books, Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. You can now stitch Anne's surroundings - the farmhouse and barn, as well as her friends house, the church and schoolhouse. As a clever finishing idea, the stitched piece is turned into a bookcover and bookmark.

Green Gables cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Green Gables
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Green Gables cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Anne & Diana cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Anne & Diana
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Anne & Diana cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
The Prayer cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

The Prayer
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
The Prayer cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

>> see all GERA! patterns inspired by artistic works


Simple pleasures of life


Such as watching dandelion seeds blow of in the wind, or sitting on a bench watching the birds. Or cooking a big pasta pot for friends who turn up unexpected. Three charming new releases by Samantha Purdy.

Dandelion cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Dandelion cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1
Yellow Bird Feeder cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Yellow Bird Feeder
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Yellow Bird Feeder cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1
Pasta Night cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Pasta Night
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Pasta Night cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1


More yummy food with Samantha Purdy


Samanthapurdytextile - Cooking Potatoes zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Cooking Potatoes
Samanthapurdytextile - Vegetable soup zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Vegetable soup
Samanthapurdytextile - Ready to Bake zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Ready to Bake
Samanthapurdytextile - Preparing Snacks zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Preparing Snacks


Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - sneak preview of the July chartLesley Teare 2020 SAL 

A sneak preview of the July chart



Part Seven comes in the second row, in the third position from the left. It features a cute little bird with rosy cheeks about to dip its beak into a flower. It is perched on a white flower worked in lace-like Blackwork motifs. The dominant colors are a delicate mix of pink, tangerine and pale yellow.


Part Seven will be available as of July 2020 to all subscribers of the Lesley Teare 2020 SAL.


>> download here (sign-in required)


>> subscribe to the SAL (you can join at any time)


Lesley Teare 2020 SAL: The June part in full detail


Now available, Part Six comes in the second row, in the seond position from the left. It features a bird watching a bee fly away. It is perched on a giant flower worked in a variety of Blackwork motifs. The dominant colors are a delicate mix of aqua blue, tangerine and orange.

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 1)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 2)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 3)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - June part (detail 4)

Halloween Mystery SAL - Part 2 now available!


Spellville is a Halloween mystery SAL brought to you by Barbara Ana Designs. Enjoy the excitement of seeing the cross stitch pattern take shape gradually as you complete each part without knowing what is yet to come.


Part 1 (shown below left) and Part 2 (sneek preview right) is now available. The Part 3, the final part, will be available on July 1st when the mystery chart will be complete. 


The first Part shows a giant key with two witches in a busy conversation. A plant has grown in part 2, arching overhead, and the first houses of Spellville have appeared. The piece has gained color with mustard and rusty red tones.


If you have already subscribed to the SAL, visit the download page:

>> Download part 1 and 2 (sign-in required)


If you would like to subscribe to the SAL, you can order below:

Spellville - Halloween Mystery SAL 2020 cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Order now
Spellville - Halloween Mystery SAL 2020



Left Part 1, right part 2

Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Spellville - Halloween Mystery SAL 2020 cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

More Halloween fun with Barbara Ana


Halloween is one of Barbara Ana's favourite topics. Check out her amazing range of patterns.

Barbara Ana Designs - Crowded House zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Crowded House
Barbara Ana Designs - Black cat Hollow (Part Three) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Black cat Hollow (Part Three)
Barbara Ana Designs - Witch Pumkin? zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Witch Pumkin?
Hallowscornu - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs


>> see all Halloween patterns by Barbara Ana Designs


Contrasting Lifestyles


Full of humor and fun detail, this design by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka contrasts an urban and connected lifestyle, with a cozy and relaxed style of the countryside. We just love the Andy Warhol "Campbell soup" poster on the wall of the city mouse, and the bottle of coke on the desk.

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

>> see all the latest news for GERA! Kyoko Maruoka


More home interiors


Tiny Modernist - Modern Dollshouse zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Modern Dollshouse
Tiny Modernist
Samanthapurdytextile - Women in Bathtubs zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Women in Bathtubs
Samanthapurdytextile - Attic Window zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Attic Window
Barbara Ana Designs - Crowded House zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Crowded House
Barbara Ana Designs


>> see all cross stitch patterns with Houses




Lesley Teare 2020 SAL: The May part in full detail


Now available, Part Five comes in the second row, in the first position from the left. It features a little bird with a delicate crest on its head and a butterfly flying away. It is perched on flowers worked in a variety of Blackwork motifs. The dominant colors are a delicate mix of orange, pink and purple.

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - May part (detail 1)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - May part (detail 2)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - May part (detail 3)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - May part (detail 4)

A journey... in stitches


In these uncertain times, it's not easy to get away from it all. How about traveling with needle and thread? These miniature scenes will take you all over Europe and the cheerful colors will bring a taste of summer. Cross stitch designs by Tapestry Barn.

Rainbow Houses cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn

Rainbow Houses
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
Rainbow Houses cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn, zoom 1

>> see more destinations (all designers)


Tutti Frutti


Brought to you by Tapestry Barn, here are two cheerful and sunny fruit patterns, real vitamin for stitchers! One has a fabric like design, that can be extended and used for any shape project, exactly as you would use fabric. The second has retro style fruit designs that can easily be turned into wonderful hand-made gifts. 

Fruity Lunch Bag cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn

Fruity Lunch Bag
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
Fruity Lunch Bag cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn, zoom 1
Fruity Sampler - 10 Fruit motifs cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn

Fruity Sampler - 10 Fruit motifs
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
Fruity Sampler - 10 Fruit motifs cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn, zoom 1

>> see all the latest news for Tapestry Barn


More patterns with Summer Fruit


Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin - Cherry Basket ABC (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom1)
Cherry Basket ABC
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Tempting Tangles - Summer Buzz zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Summer Buzz
Tempting Tangles
Cherries and Strawberries - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff (zoom 1)
Cherries and Strawberries (detail)
Perrette Samouiloff
Petite Faby - Strawberry pincushion - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs (zoom 1)
Strawberry pincushion
Faby Reilly Designs

>> see all cross stitch patterns with fruit


Happy Childhood: new edition


At a stitcher's request we have updated the chart and are publishing a new version of "The Sheep". You therefore now have the choice of this more comptact chart (100 x 100 stitches, or approximately 7 x 7" on 14 ct) or the larger chart.

Happy Childhood Collection: The Sheep (small version) cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
New Edition
Happy Childhood Collection: The Sheep (small version)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Happy Childhood Collection: The Sheep (small version) cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1

>> see all patterns of the Happy Childhood collection by Perrette Samouiloff


More Farm patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Perrette Samouiloff - Cheeky Geese zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Cheeky Geese (detail)
On the farm (large pattern) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff (zoom 1)<
On the farm (detail)
Hickety, Pickety... (three red hens!) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff (zoom 1)
Hickety, Pickety... (three red hens) (detail)
Mother and baby animals (large pattern) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff (zoom 1)
Mother and baby animals(detail)

>> See all Farm patterns by Perrette Samouiloff

More Farm patterns (all designers)


<b>Good milk</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Chouett'alors</b>
Good milk
<b>Countryside Home sweet home</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Monique Bonnin</b>
Countryside Home (detail)
Monique Bonnin
Barbara Ana Designs - All Creatures Great and Small zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
All Creatures Great and Small (detail)
Barbara Ana Designs
<b>Farm Yard ABC</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Maria Diaz</b>
Farm Yard ABC (detail)
Maria Diaz

>> see all patterns with Farms & Barns (all designers)


Laundry Day


When getting the laundry done ends up in disaster.... Designed by Deborah A. Dick of Temping Tangles, and inspired by a real life event, this cross stitch piece is a real cutie. We just love the pair of jeans and other colorful clothes hanging out of the washing machine. 

Procrastination cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles

Counted cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles
Procrastination cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles, zoom 1



Focus on a stitch: Fan stitch variation


variation of Fan stitch as used in Procrastination by Tempting TanglesTempting Tangles designs are always full of fun creative needlework ideas. The designer excels at finding the exact stitch that emphasizes her point and adds excitement to the stitching.

Picture the water droplets leaking from the faucet in Procrastination. These are worked in a variation of Fan stitch, and perfectly mimic the heavy drops flooding the room.

This Fan stitch variation is an easy stitch comprised of 7 straight stitches.

The beauty of counted stitching, is that you can easily add decorative specialty stitches. Unlike free-hand embroidery, your needle is guided by the fabric. You need only follow the chart and will get the exact finished effect that the design calls for.

variation of Fan stitch, by Tempting Tangles

>> see all the latest news for Tempting Tangles


Lost in their thoughts


Lesley Teare works her magic for these two stunning portraits, worked in a combination of cross stitch and Blackwork. Check out close the wonderful details of the motifs of their elaborate dress and the way the beautiful textures of the fabrics are rendered in stitches. 

Blackwork Summer Beauty cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Summer Beauty
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Summer Beauty cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1
Blackwork Autumn Beauty cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Autumn Beauty
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Autumn Beauty cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1


More Blackwork portraits by Lesley Teare Designs


Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Lady with Parasol zoom 1 (Blackwork chart)
Blackwork Lady with Parasol
Lesley Teare Designs - Floral Blackwork Lady zoom 1
Floral Blackwork Lady
Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Oriental Beauty zoom 1
Blackwork Oriental Beauty
Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork angel zoom 1 (Blackwork chart)
Blackwork angel


>> see all Blackwork patterns by Lesley Teare Designs


>> see all Portraits by Lesley Teare Designs


Stitchers' Wisdom


As every stitcher well knows, the only way to make progress, is to take it  "One Stitch at a Time".  A cute and relevant cross stitch design by Tiny Modernist.

One Stitch at a Time cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

One Stitch at a Time
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
One Stitch at a Time cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1


>> see more patterns with Needlework Quotes and Sayings (all designers)


More patterns related to Sewing and Needlework


Shannon Christine Designs - Sewing Machine zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Sewing Machine
Shannon Christine Designs
Tiny Modernist - Sewing Room Motifs (3 patterns) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Sewing Room Motifs
Tiny Modernist
Shannon Christine Designs - Sewing Fairy zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Sewing Fairy
Shannon Christine Designs
My sewing basket, blackwork pattern by Tams Creations, detail 1
My sewing basket
Tams Creations


>> see all patterns from the Stitcher's Corner


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<b>Cross Stitch Guide</b><br><b>by Lesley Teare</b>
<b>All Creatures Great and Small</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Dreaming Girl</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Clémence Jauneau 1889 Reproduction Sampler</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Couleur Tourterelle</b>
<b>Dreaming of Klimt</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
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