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News 2020 - 2

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Cross stitch & needlework patterns  (continued)

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Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s voyage


This remarkable cross stitch Sampler by Riverdrift House, celebrates the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage, in  year 1620,  from Plymouth, England and over to the New World. The pattern is full of interesting cross stitch motifs and historical details. Click on the pattern for more of the story.

Riverdrift House only uses full cross stitches in their samplers, making them a quick and pleasant stitch.

Mayflower 400 cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House

Mayflower 400
Counted cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House
Mayflower 400 cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House, zoom 1

>> see more Sampler patterns by Riverdrift House

More nautical patterns by Riverdrift House


Riverdrift House - Anglesey - Reproduction Sampler zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Riverdrift House - Ahoy! zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Riverdrift House - Regatta zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
>> see all boats and saling ships to cross stitch


Cavalier, French Bulldog, Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Chin, Doberman, Golden Retriever, Afghan Hound, Border Collie, Akita...


They all made it into GERA! Kyoko Maruoka's latest and second series of Dog breeds. Do you recognise any?

15 Dog Breeds - series 2 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

15 Dog Breeds - series 2
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
15 Dog Breeds - series 2 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
15 Dog Breeds - Series 1 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

15 Dog Breeds - Series 1
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
15 Dog Breeds - Series 1 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

More Puppies


Puppy Love cross stitch pattern by Maria Diaz designs

Puppy Love
Counted cross stitch pattern by Maria Diaz designs
Puppy Love cross stitch pattern by Maria Diaz designs, zoom 1

>> see all patterns with dogs (all designers)


Blackwork kimono 


Here is a new portrait by Lesley Teare, of a lady shyly turning her head away. Each fabric that makes up her kimono is adorned with a distinct Blackwork pattern. Delicate hair accessories and an intricate fan add extra interest. The pattern forms a pair with another portrait, the Blackwork Oriental Beauty.

Blackwork Oriental Charm cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Oriental Charm
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Oriental Charm cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see all portraits by Lesley Teare Designs


Personalized Wedding Gifts


How better to celebrate a wedding than by stitching a truly personalized gift. This project can even be completed as a pair, the sampler and the cute little cushion that will bear the rings during the wedding ceremony. Brough to you, with beautiful stitched detail and finishing touches, by Faby Reilly Designs

Lizzie Wedding Sampler cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Lizzie Wedding Sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Lizzie Wedding Sampler cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1
Lizzy Biscornu (Wedding Ring Cushion) cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Lizzy Biscornu (Wedding Ring Cushion)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Lizzy Biscornu (Wedding Ring Cushion) cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Wedding patterns by Faby Reilly Designs

More Wedding Ring Cushions


Wedding biscornu (ring cushion)cross stitch patternby Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Wedding biscornu
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Wedding box setcross stitch patternby Tam's Creations
Wedding box set
Tam's Creations
Love Wedding ring biscornucross stitch patternby Faby Reilly Designs
Love Wedding ring biscornu
Faby Reilly Designs
Sweet roses Biscornu - Wedding ring cushioncross stitch patternby Faby Reilly Designs
Sweet roses Biscornu
Faby Reilly Designs
Rose sepia Biscornu (wedding ring cushion)cross stitch patternby Faby Reilly Designs
Rose sepia Biscornu
Faby Reilly Designs


>> see all Wedding Ring Cushion patterns (all designers)


Ornamental Garden


Kathy Bunghard, Gracewood Stitches' designer, excels at creating ornamental floral motifs, like this unique frieze of hydrangeas and roses, which can be repeated at will.

June - Roses & Hydrangeas cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches

June - Roses & Hydrangeas
Counted cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches
June - Roses & Hydrangeas cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches, zoom 1

>> see more patterns with Ornamental flower motifs


Garden fresh herbs


Tiny Modernist captures the essence of each of these aromatic herbs, in delicate touches of green and purple. Notice the delicate raffia knots tied around each bunch.

Herb Pots cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

Herb Pots
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
Herb Pots cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1



More gardening patterns


Riverdrift House - Summer Garden zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Summer Garden
Riverdrift House
Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Vegetable Garden zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Vegetable Garden
Herb pots - cross stitch pattern - by Maria Diaz (zoom 1)
Herb pots
Maria Diaz
Agnès Delage-Calvet -  A story Told in Stitches: A Day in the Garden - counted cross stitch pattern chart (zoom1)
A Day in the Garden
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Night Garden (cross stitch chart)
Night Garden
Jardinière, designed by Maria Diaz - Cross stitch pattern chart (zoom1)
Maria Diaz


>> see all Garden and Gardening patterns (all designers)


>> see all Gardening related news (new section)


The Four Frida


Now available, with the recent release of Frida, the complete set of four different Barbara Ana patterns inspired by the life of Frida Kalho.

Barbara Ana Designs - Frieda & Diego zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Frieda & Diego
Barbara Ana Designs - Viva la Vida zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Viva la Vida
Barbara Ana Designs - The Wounded Deer zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The Wounded Deer

Barbara Ana Designs - Frida zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL: The April part in full detail


Part Four comes in the top row, in the last position on the right. It features a little bird with green wings perched on an oversize flower worked in a variety of Blackwork motifs. The dominant colors are lime green, tendeer green, tangerine and light orange.

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - April part (detail 1)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - April part (detail 2)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - April part (detail 3)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - April part (detail 4)

Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Riverdrift House - Mayflower 400
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 168 on sale April / May 2020

Mayflower 400 cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House
Mayflower 400
Counted cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 168 on sale April /  May 2020

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


Cross stitch, with a cheerful contemporary touch


You'll enjoy stitching these fun motifs in bright and cheerful colors, easy and quick to complete. Given their small size (3" square), they lend themselves to a variety of decorative uses to cheer up a friend or add a touch of gaiety to your home. Brought to you by Tapestry Barn

Folk Art Cards cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn

Folk Art Cards
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
Folk Art Cards cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn, zoom 1


More patterns with a Folk-Art touch


Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Early Spring zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Early Spring
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin - Cowbell hearts (cross stitch pattern)
Cowbell hearts
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Iveta Hlavinova - Two elegant cats (cross stitch pattern )
Two elegant cats
Iveta Hlavinova
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Firebird - Russian Folk Tales zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka


Lazy daisy stitches


Are you familiar with the lazy daisy stitch? It's a quick and easy stitch, ideal for flowers, petals and leaves.  It's also very pretty!


Lazy Daisy stitch step by step

How about giving it a try? You can practice first on a piece of Aida or needlework fabric.


Point A is the center of the flower and point B the tip of the petal.


1. Bring the needle and thread up through the fabric at the center of the flower (A),  push needle back down through the same hole (A) and up at the tip of the petal (B), placing under the tip of the needle so it forms a loop . Gently pull the thread through without flatening the loop, so the petal is nice and round.


2. Make a small stitch across the thread at the top of the petal to secure (C) very close to (B).


Now let's try stitching a couple of daisies


Here is a charming alphabet by Tapestry Barn combining blue cross stitch letters and daisy flowers worked in lazy daisy stitch. The alphabet is very decorative and can be stitched as a whole. Alternatively you can use the letters to form initials, names and words of your choice. Projects ideas include a "Welcome" sign, to greet visitors into your home, or a set of personalized bathroom towels for the family. 

Lazy Daisy ABC cross stitch pattern by Tapestry barn

Lazy Daisy ABC
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry barn
Lazy Daisy ABC cross stitch pattern by Tapestry barn, zoom 1

>> see all patterns with Alphabets, Letters and Monograms (all designers)


Cherry Blossoms


Spring is here, so why not celebrate with this remarkable needlework cushion, brought to you by Faby Reilly. Notice the delicacy of the flower petals and pistils embellished with golden seed beads.

Cherry Blossom Cushion cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly

Cherry Blossom Cushion
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly
Cherry Blossom Cushion cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly, zoom 1

More blossoming trees


Click on any pattern to view to full design.

Kyoko's Studio - Spring Welcome (Winds blow petals of white) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Spring Welcome
K's Studio
Faby Reilly - Apple Blossom Biscornu (cross stitch pattern )
Apple Blossom Biscornu
Faby Reilly
Kyoko's Studio - Old Cherry Tree zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Old Cherry Tree
K's Studio
Maria Diaz - Oriental Florals (cross stitch chart)
Oriental Florals
Maria Diaz

>> see all cross stitch patterns with tree blossoms

Joys of Spring


Cheerful, uplifting spring cross stitch patterns to bring us a bit of joy, even in troubled times. Designs by Tiny Modernist.

Easter Wreath cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

Easter Wreath
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
Easter Wreath cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1
Spring Garden cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

Spring Garden
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
Spring Garden cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1
Easter bunny house cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

Easter bunny house
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
Easter bunny house cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1

More Easter bunnies


Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Easter designs zoom 1
Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Easter designs
Barbara Ana - Egg Hunt Easter ornament (cross stitch pattern )
Egg Hunt Easter ornament
Barbara Ana Designs


>> see all Easter patterns

>> see all the news for Easter


Blackwork takes on spring colors


Who said that Blackwork had to be stitched in black? Designer Lesley Teare brilliantly demonstrates how the technique can be used with sunny and cheerful colors. Furthermore, each of these patterns combines two slightly different hues of floss to further lighten up to the stitched piece.

Blackwork Spring Motifs cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Spring Motifs
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Spring Motifs cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see all patterns for Spring (all designers)


Upcycling, cross stitch style



Find a new creative use for your little tin boxes. Kyoko Maruoka, GERA!s designers suggests mounting pretty cross stitch pieces onto the covers, hiding sides with decorative trimming. These little boxes will look very cute on a shelf, or you can give them away as gifts, with a little surprise inside.
Round tin cans - 1 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Round tin cans - 1
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Round tin cans - 1 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Round tin cans - 2 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Round tin cans - 2
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Round tin cans - 2 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Round tin cans - 3 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Round tin cans - 3
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Round tin cans - 3 cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

More Box cover ideas to cross stitch


Poppy Box & Alphabet - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs
Poppy Box
Faby Reilly Designs
Alphabet bookmark & Mini lace motifs for cross stitch projects (zoom1)
Alphabet Mini lace motifs
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Wedding box set - cross stitch pattern - by Tam's Creations (zoom 1)
Wedding box set
Tam's Creations

Beaded geometrics ( for boxes) - Blackwork  pattern - by Tam's Creations (zoom 1)
Beaded geometrics

for boxes
Tam's Creations


>> see all patterns for decorating box covers


A ray of moonlight


Here's a beautiful cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches: starting from a former color design, she decided to recreate it as if the garden's colors had faded into the dark and the flowers were only lit by a ray of moonlight.


This piece is worked in Assisi stitch - a cross stitch technique which consists in filling the background only , letting the patterns appear in negative on the fabric. We love the way the design exudes calm and softness all the while being very decorative.

Moonlit Garden cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches

Moonlit Garden
Counted cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches
Moonlit Garden cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Gracewood Stitches


Spring Showers


It's fun walking in the rain with Samantha Purdy. A good occasion to sport a cheerful yellow-stripe umbrella, waiting for the sun to come back.

Il pleut cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Il pleut
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Il pleut cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1


Spring Rain cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Related pattern

Spring Rain

Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Spring Rain cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1


Wicker Baskets


One for the flowers, one for the eggs, one for the knitting (and the cat), one for the market, and one to put on the windowsill with daffodils ready to bloom. More of life's simple joys as shown by Samantha Purdy Needlecrafts.

Spring Baskets cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Spring Baskets
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Spring Baskets cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1

>> see all patterns by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

More Baskets


My sewing basket, blackwork pattern by Tams Creations, detail 1
My sewing basket
Tams Creations
Barbara Ana designs - Elizabeth Wise (cross stitch chart)
Elizabeth Wise
Barbara Ana designs
Lilli Violette - Edelweiss zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Lilli Violette
Lesley Teare Designs - Vintage Bike zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Vintage Bike
Lesley Teare Designs



Lesley Teare 2020 SAL: The March part in full detail


Part Three comes in the top row, in the third position from the left. It features a little bird with purple wings and a group of three flowers worked in a variety of Blackwork motifs. The dominant colors are periwinkle and lavender, citrus yellow, lime and light orange.

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - February part (detail 1)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - January part (detail 2)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - February part (detail 3)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - February part (detail 4)


Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Barbara Ana Designs - Frida
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 267 on sale March/April 2020

Frida cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 267 on sale March/April 2020

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


Lace-like stitching


A bit of a challenge: this Lesley Teare Blackwork design will require patience, even for the most experienced stitchers. But what a miracle of refinement and precision. The Blackwork chart combines cross stitch and backstitch playing with different thicknesses of thread to create dimensional effects.

Blackwork Oriental Beauty cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Oriental Beauty
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Oriental Beauty cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see more portrait patterns by Lesley Teare Designs


Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Tempting Tangles - Welcome to my Garden
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 266 on sale February/March 2020

Welcome to my Garden cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles
Welcome to my Garden
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 266 on sale February/March 2020


Tapestry Barn - Easter Eggs (Scandi style)
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 266 on sale February/March 2020

Easter Eggs (Scandi style) cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
Easter Eggs (Scandi style)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 266 on sale February/March 2020

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


Lesley Teare 2020 SAL: The February part in full detail


Part Two of Lesley Teare's 2020 SAL is now available. It comes second from the right in the top row and features a hummingbird and a flower with large open petals worked in Blackwork motifs and color. Petals fold forward creating an interesting dimensional effect. The dominant colors are bright yellow and light orange.

Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - February part (detail 1)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - January part (detail 2)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - February part (detail 3)Lesley Teare 2020 SAL - February part (detail 4)


Thankful stitches


Say Thank you in a way friends will remember with this pretty Quaker-style heart-shaped ornament. It is cross stitched on fine 40ct linen fabric than has been hand-dyed in coffee to give it a vintage feel. The shaded thread adds to the antique look.

Thankful Heart cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Thankful Heart
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Thankful Heart cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Quaker style patterns by Barbara Ana Designs

More red monochrome patterns


Tempting Tangles - Scarlet Letters zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Scarlet Letters
Tempting Tangles
Agnès Delage-Calvet - Red lace needlework set (cross stitch chart)
Red lace needlework set
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Small German Sampler 1897 D.E. - Reproduction sampler - charted by Muriel Berceville (zoom 1)
Small German Sampler
Muriel Berceville
Tempting Tangles - Key to my Heart zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Key to my Heart
Tempting Tangles

>> see all red monochrome patterns


Its busy in the Kitchen


Here are some wonderful creative cross stitch ideas for decorating a kitchen:  In addition to main chart is "Chef's Kitchen", the chart set actually contains an alphabet, 7 adorable cook motifs and plenty of alternative ideas for personalized cookbook covers, aprons and more. Send us photos of your finished projects!

Designed by Perrette Samouiloff 

Chef's Kitchen cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

Chef's Kitchen
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Chef's Kitchen cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1
Chef's Kitchen cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom2Chef's Kitchen cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom4Chef's Kitchen cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom3

More cooks


Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Dear Chef zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Dear Chef
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Samanthapurdytextile - Cooking Potatoes zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Cooking Potatoes
Busy Baking cakes - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud (zoom 1)
Busy Baking cakes (detail)
Sylvie Teytaud
Recipe book cover: mes bonnes recettes - cross stitch pattern - by Chouett'alors
Recipe book cover
Samanthapurdytextile - Ready to Bake zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Ready to Bake
Kiss the cook cross stitch pattern designed by Barbara Ana
Kiss the cook (female cook)
Barbara Ana
Kiss the cook (male version) - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs (zoom 1)
Kiss the cook (male cook)
Barbara Ana
Happy Childhood collection  - In the kitchen - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff (zoom 1)
In the kitchen (detail)
Perrette Samouiloff


>> see all patterns related to Cooking and Baking 


>> see all patterns for decorating a Kitchen


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<b>Cross Stitch Guide</b><br><b>by Lesley Teare</b>
<b>All Creatures Great and Small</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Dreaming Girl</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Clémence Jauneau 1889 Reproduction Sampler</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Couleur Tourterelle</b>
<b>Dreaming of Klimt</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
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