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» » » » Advent Calendar
cross stitch pattern
by Kateryna - Stitchy Princess


Advent Calendar
cross stitch pattern
by Kateryna - Stitchy Princess

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Advent Calendar

As Christmas gets closer, why not treat yourself with some quick and easy stitching, such as this charming advent calendar brought to you by Kateryna of Stitchy Princess.


There are many ways you can use these 25 mini motifs. Stitched as a whole of course, but you could also stitch every pattern individually and pin them to a cork board or peg them laundry-like to a string.


You could also design your own stitcher's treat: a single motif for each day in the run-up to Christmas!

A cross stitch pattern by Kateryna - Stitchy Princess.

>> see more Christmas patterns by Kateryna - Stitchy Princess

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Advent Calendar

Chart size in stitches: 123 x 123
Needlework fabric: 32 count Gray evenweave
Size on 14ct Aida/28ct linen: 6.8 x 6.8 inch (17.36 x 17.36 cm)
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: cross stitch, backstitch
Chart: Color and B&W, includes overview for Digital stitching
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 18

Themes: hand-stitched advent calendar, project for Christmas, santa, snow, gifts, bauble


>> see all Advent calendars and Seasonal projects patterns (all designers)

>> see all Christmas patterns (all designers)

All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.

Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Advent Calendar, zoom 1  (cross stitch chart)

Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Advent Calendar, zoom 2  (cross stitch chart)

Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Advent Calendar, zoom 3  (cross stitch chart)

Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Advent Calendar, zoom 4  (cross stitch chart)

Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Advent Calendar, zoom 5  (cross stitch chart)

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