The island of Tahiti lies just accross the equator from Hawaii and Tahitian share their sunny lifestyle with all polynesian islanders. Tahiti's beautiful "vahine" have been immortalized by the likes of Matisse and Gauguin who stayed in the tropical paradise.
This delightful pattern by Perrette Samouiloff pictures a group of Tahitian children playing and dancing in their traditional costumes. Their tanned skin and lush hair offer a beautiful contrast with the bright and colorful dresses and the garlands of white and red hibiscus.
The elements of this design can easily be switched around to suit your project. Below is an example where the motifs have been rearranged in a landscape format.

A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.
>> see more patterns related to Fashion and Costumes by Perrette Samouiloff
Number of stitches: 119 x 120 (wide x high)
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Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch, Three quarter cross stitch
Chart: Black and White with color detail
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss,
Number of colors: 12
Themes: Tahiti, Polynesia, vahine
>> see all patterns related to the sea (all designers)
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