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» » » Poppy Biscornu
cross stitch pattern
by Tiny Modernist


Poppy Biscornu
cross stitch pattern
by Tiny Modernist

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Price : $5.99
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Poppy Biscornu


A tribute to the most splendid wildflower of summer, growing humbly at the edge of the fields, illuminating the golden wheat with blood-red dots.


The fragile poppy cannot be cut, but you can capture its beauty with needle and thread.

The cross stitch chart includes both front and a reverse sides. Indeed, the tiny patterns stitched in the corners on the back will appear on the sides of the biscornu after assembly.

A tutorial with biscornu mounting instructions is provided with the chart.

Cross stitch pattern designed by Tiny Modernist.

>> see more patterns by Tiny Modernist

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Poppy Biscornu

Chart size in stitches: 55 x 55 (x2)
Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave, white
Size: 4 x 4 " on 14ct, 3 x 3 " on 18ct
Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch, Whipstitch for assembly
Chart: Color
Threads: DMC or Anchor
Number of colors: 8

Themes: summer flower, red, wild flower, pin-cushion, square pattern


>> see more biscornu designs by Tiny Modernist

>> see all Poppy patterns (all designers)


>> see more Wildflowers cross stitch patterns (all designers)


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Tiny Modernist - Poppy Biscornu zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Tiny Modernist - Poppy Biscornu zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Tiny Modernist - Poppy Biscornu zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

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