Tiny Modernist
Biscornu pincushion patternsCOUNTED CROSS STITCH PATTERNS TO DOWNLOAD, DESIGNED BY The Tiny Modernist>> see all cross stitch patterns by The Tiny Modernist First cross stitch 2 small square designs. Then mount them together, with staggered corners. Stuff and finally sew a button on each side, right through the center. That's all it takes to make a biscornu. A beautiful shape to cross stitch, with roundish curves, the pattern gets center stage. The top and lower patterns interweave on the sides, creating a zig-zag border. The Tiny Modernist's offers a range of unique and really cool biscornu designs. The cross stitch charts all include a step-by-step tutorial. All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download. Price in £ or €: select a currency in top right section of this page. |