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» » » Lazy Daisy ABC
cross stitch pattern
by Tapestry Barn


Lazy Daisy ABC
cross stitch pattern
by Tapestry Barn

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Lazy Daisy ABC 


This cross stitch alphabet is embellished with small daisies worked on the surface with lazy daisy stitches, backstitch and French knots.


The letters in the background are stitched in a soft tone of blue, with a shaded effect which gives them a dimensional effect. Small daisies are scattered above.


Lazy daisy stitch is an easy, quick and pretty embroidery stitch, ideal for stitching small petals or leaves. Full instructions for the stitch are included with the chart.


A french knot is used for the touch of golden yellow at the center of the flower. You can substitute it with a small seed bead in the same color.


Each letter measures a maximum of 25 x 26 stitches, or about  1 3/4 x 1 3/4 (4 cm x 4 cm). You can stitch initials, a name or a small sign (WELCOME etc.). It is also possible to personalize white bathroom towels using "Ready to stitch" items avialable with a woven Aida band.


A cross stitch pattern by Tapestry Barn.

>> see more patterns by Tapestry Barn

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Lazy Daisy ABC

Chart size in stitches: 205 x 116 (high x wide)
Needlework fabric: 14 ct Aida or 28ct Linen/Evenweave, white

Each letter is 1 3/4 inch x 1 3/4 inch (4cm x 4 cm)
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Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch, Lazy Daisy stitch, French knots
Chart: Color
Threads: DMC, Anchor or Madeira
Number of colors: 6

Themes: alphabet, letters, daisy flowers, lazy daisy stitch


>> see all patterns with Letters, ABCs and Monograms (all designers)


>> see all patterns for Bathroom towels (all designers)

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Tapestry Barn - Lazy Daisy ABC zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Tapestry Barn - Lazy Daisy ABC zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Tapestry Barn - Lazy Daisy ABC zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

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