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Christmas ornaments Special

Tutorials and ideas for making cross stitch ornaments

Tutorial: Jewel like finishings for your ornaments


Jewel-like Finishing Tutorial for stitched Ornaments


It's all in the detail. The smaller the stitched piece, the more important it is to give extra thought to the finishing.


Here's a tutorial that will give you ideas on how to use beads and ribbons to embellish your stitched ornament with jewel-like finishings.


>> view Creative Poppy's Jewel-like Finishing Tutorial for stitched Ornaments






Home deco ideas:Spruce up your house with garlands



cross stitch ornament garlands

Want to give your house a Christmassy feel? No need to have set up the tree yet, use garlands!

You can fix garlands anywhere: on mantels, banisters, windows and doors. Cross stitch ornaments being very light weight, they are really easy to fix without any damage. The garland ends will hold with a thumbtack, removable adhesive (such as Blue tack) or even with tape (on glass and windows). 







use miniature clothes pegs for hanging cross stitch  ornamentusing tiny miniature clothes pegs for hanging cross stitch ornamentscross stitch Garlands can be hung horizontally or vertically
















We suggest using tiny miniature clothes pegs (found in craft shops) for hanging each ornament on the garland. The garland itself can be made of satin, metallic or organdi ribbon (1/8 inch size works great), golden thread, fancy metallic yarn or natural twine depending on the feel you want to give.


Garlands can be hung horizontally or vertically, or even at an angle. Be creative and find the place where they look best and enhance the stitched pieces. Make sure there is a good light to show all the beautiful detail of your stitching.


Tutorial: Double Bow Embellishment


New! Check out our latest tutorial for making pretty bow-like embellishments for your Christmas ornaments


ribbon embellishment for Christmas cross stitch ornaments
ribbon embellishment for Christmas cross stitch ornaments

ribbon embellishment for Christmas cross stitch ornaments


Try this! These ribbons have tiny bell-like beads that add extra interest to the bow. They are just perfect for embellishing cross stitched ornaments and they only take about a few minutes to make!


>> view Creative Poppy's Double Bow Embellishment Tutorial

Tutorial: Mini tassels, extra glamour




Miniature tassels forf finishing and customizing your cross stitch ornaments

Miniature tassels for finishing and customizing your cross stitch ornaments













Extra fast to make, miniature tassels are another cute way of finishing and customizing your ornaments.

>> view Creative Poppy's  Mini Tassels Tutorial

Dig into your stash to find the best accessories and textures to pair with your stitched piece

Mini frame embellishments


Ideas for making mini frames with a cross stitched piece paired with matching embellishments.


You will need a basic wooden frame. Dig into your stash to find to best accessories and textures to mix them with.


>> finishing ideas: mini frame embellishments

Pairing your stitched piece and accessories for fitting into a mini-frame







Finishing ideas for Christmas ornaments


Take a look at the finishing of these Perrette Samouiloff ornaments. Maybe they will trigger some more creative ideas. Do contact us if you have any you'd like to share too!


A row of small jingle bells stitched at the base of the cross stitch ornament

Jingle bells, jingle all the way


Idea: Stitch a row of tiny jingle bells, so they hang at the base of the ornament and add a merry touch.


Tip: Make sure all the bells are stitched at an equal distance. You can sew them loosely first with a basting thread, then slide them into the exact position and secure them and remove the basting thread. Make sure the stitch is not too taut or they will hang at an awkward angle.

jingle bells are handy for decorating cross stitch Christmas ornaments
A pleated ribbon for hanging your cross stitch ornaments

Pleats, please!


Idea: To make a change from satin and organza ribbons, how about a pleated ribbon, with preformed folds, accordion style, which gives it a lovely texture. 


Tip: For a refined finish, instead of tying a knot, a loop of ribbon is slipped through a golden bead (using a tiny wire, folded in two). The loop is then made into two bows with a tiny stitch.


>> Perrette Samouiloff Children's Christmas 

pleated ribbon, with preformed folds, accordeon style
Finishing cross stitch ornaments with a beaded ribbon trimming

Beads Express


Idea: For a highly decorative finish in minimum time, how about using a pre-beaded trimming ribbon


Tip:  The beads are already sewn on the side of the ribbon. The ribbon part only serves for holding them in place. Mount the ornament as you would a small cushion, slipping the ribbon part inside so only the beads show.


>> Perrette Samouiloff Baroque Christmas ornament

a pre-beaded trimming ribbon for a decorative finishing of your stitched pieces


Creative Poppy's selection of Christmas ornaments


Who can resist stitching a new ornament for Christmas?

There are dolls and elves, hearts and pyramids, seed beads, ribbons and golden threads, ... they come in many shapes and styles, with each of our designers bringing a very personal interpretation of Christmas.

Creative Poppy brings you its unique selection of cross stitch Christmas ornaments

Russian InspirationRussian InspirationChristmas HeartsChristmas HeartsMisletoe & Ribbon Humbug
Misletoe & Ribbon HumbugHolly & Ribbon HumbugChristmas Rose & Ribbon HumbugChristmas Ball OrnamentsChristmas Ball Ornaments
8 Red Card-size Christmas ornaments8 Red Card-size Christmas ornamentsPoinsettia & Ribbon HumbugPoinsettia & Ribbon HumbugHappiness, Peace and Love Ornament
Christmas Pyramid tree OrnamentMore Christmas OrnamentsMore Christmas OrnamentsChristmas Biscornus TrioChristmas Biscornus Trio
Folklore pyramid tree OrnamentFolklore pyramid tree OrnamentChristmas Trees (9 mini patterns)Christmas Trees (9 mini patterns)Angelica Buddybug
Angelica BuddybugFrosty Snow Flake Humbug (Christmas ornament)Frosty Snow Flake Humbug (Christmas ornament)Holly Humbug (Xmas ornament)Wishes for every season - Winter
Wishes for every season - WinterFrosty Star Humbug (Christmas ornament)Papa Noël PendantPapa Noël PendantMisletoe Humbug (Xmas ornament)
Misletoe Humbug (Xmas ornament)Maman Noël PendantMaman Noël PendantFrosty HumbugFrosty Humbug
8 Christmas Ornaments8 Christmas OrnamentsChristmas Rose HumbugChristmas Rose HumbugRudolf the Reindeer Pendant
Rudolf the Reindeer PendantElrik the elf PendantElrik the elf PendantNeedlework Christmas ornamentsNeedlework Christmas ornaments
Aniel the Angel pendantAniel the Angel pendantChristmas Biscornu (wreath version)Christmas Biscornu (wreath version)Sonny the Snowman Pendant
Sonny the Snowman PendantPoinsettia Star (Xmas ornament)Heart & Snowflakes BiscornuHeart & Snowflakes BiscornuChristmas Robins Scissor fob
Christmas Robins Scissor fobChristmas Ornaments (series1)Christmas Ornaments (series1)Red berries BiscornuRed berries Biscornu
Happy Howl-a-days Scissor FobHappy Howl-a-days Scissor FobSnowman biscornuSnowman biscornuChristmas Rose Star (Xmas ornament)
Christmas Rose Star (Xmas ornament)Christmas biscornu (Xmas ornament)Christmas biscornu (Xmas ornament)More Christmas ornaments (series2)More Christmas ornaments (series2)
Frosty biscornuFrosty biscornuChristmas pendeloqueChristmas pendeloqueChristmas Biscornu
Christmas BiscornuSanta Paws biscornuSanta Paws biscornuFrosty PendeloqueFrosty Pendeloque
Christmas StarChristmas StarFrosty star (Xmas ornament)Frosty star (Xmas ornament)More Christmas ornaments (series2)


Click on the link below to view each of these ornaments.

>> see all Christmas Ornament cross stitch patterns and projects on Creative Poppy's website

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