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» » » Winter visitor's banner
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff


Winter visitor's banner
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff

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Winter visitor's banner


Designed by Perrette Samouiloff, this is a delicate cross stitch portrait of our little winter friends, observed on a winter day. The two birds are gathering berries, a little squirrel passing by seems a bit surprised, and a pair of white rabbits face each other as if figuring what to do next.


Framing the stitched piece is a lovely guarland of ivy entangled with blue and white berries. It encases a small alphabet in blue letters which can be cross stitched as it is, or replaced with words of your own to customize your stitched piece. If you like to change your wall hangings with the seasons, why not cross stitch the word "Welcome" and  hang your needlework in the hall?


The colors used for this embroidery are from the DMC Color Variations range as well as a DMC variegated floss. They vary delicately with each stitch and add additional hues to your stitching. Lovely hues of pale pink delevelop in the rabbits' fur, and the feathers of the birds contrast several tones of brown.


The pattern involves a couple of fractional stitches, used mainly for the birds beaks, rabbits and squirrel noses as well as the squirrel's tail.



A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.

>> see more patterns by Perrette Samouiloff

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Winter visitor's banner

Chart size in stitches: 87 x 153 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch, 3/4 cross stitch
Chart: Black & White, color detail
Threads: DMC color variations, DMC Variegated
Number of colors: 6

Themes: birds, white rabbits and a squirrel, garlands of blue and white berries


>> see more Winter cross stitch patterns by Perrette Samouiloff
>> see all cross stitch patterns with birds (all designers)

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Perrette Samouiloff - Winter visitor\'s banner zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Winter visitor\'s banner zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Winter visitor\'s banner zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Winter visitor\'s banner zoom 4 (cross stitch chart)

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