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» » » Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka


Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka

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Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride



Two joyful images of Spring:

- Baby lambs are grazing in the verdant fields under a blooming apple tree.

- A couple in folk attire is riding a white horse.

This pair of round cross stitch patterns, the second in a series of 3, is designed in Kyoko Maruoka ever cheerful and colorful style.


Each cross stitch piece measures approximately 3 1/3" (8.5 cm) when worked on 16ct Aida fabric or 32 ct linen. It can be mounted on the cover of a round or square box (here a metal box, see photo). You can also make a small pin-cushion or frame it in a 4" (10 cm) hoop.


For mounting, the fabric must be trimmed into a disk and notched, then stretched, folded over sides and glued onto the sides of the cover. You can use trimming or ribbon (photo) to hide the edges.

Please note: assembly instructions are not included with the charts.

A cross stitch pattern by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka.

>> see more patterns by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride

Chart size in stitches: 2 x (55 x 55)
Needlework fabric: 12 ct Permin-Wichelt linene in colors blue and dark chocolate
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch
Chart: Black & White, Color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 13

Themes: spring motifs, round box cover

>> see all patterns for a box cover (all designers)

All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.
Price in £ or €: select a currency in top right section of this page.

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Round tin cans II - Joyful Spring, Joyful horse ride zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

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