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» » » Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle


Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle

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Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler


This Spanish sampler is part of the personal collection of Meriem Chauvet of Couleur Tourterelle. While the original is particularly faded, you can still clearly distinguish a representation of the Virgin Mary and child. On closer examination she is revealed to be Nuestra Señora del Pilar, particularly venerated in Catholic Spain as being the place when the Virgin made her first apparition, in the very early years of Christianity. The female name Pilar, popular in Spain and Latin America, is derived from this event.


Also characteristic of Spanish samplers, this one is lined in cotton fabric and its borders edged in bias. And while the colors have almost disappeared, the initial thread colors used are luckily perfectly preserved on the wrong side, enabling the designer to faithfully reproduce them, including the vivid blue of the Virgin's coat and deep purple used for the halo above her head.


The sampler is dated 1884 and signed "lo hizo Conception Longares" (lo hizo meaning made by

Original Sampler (last photo) worked in cross stitch, in silk thread on canvas. Size 14 1/2 x 11 inch (37 x 28 cm).

Reproduction cross stitch chart strictly reproduces every stitch of the original sampler. It is stitched using Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC, with cross stitches worked over 2 fabric threads on 40ct linen. Size 10 x 8 inch (25 x 20 cm). 


As the design features full and regular cross stitches, you can stitch it on any fabric of your choice, including over 1 fabric thread or on Aida fabric.

A cross stitch pattern by Couleur Tourterelle.

>> see more Reproduction Sampler patterns by Couleur Tourterelle

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler

Chart size in stitches: 199 x 161 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 40ct Newcastle linen from Zweigart ,in color Platinum (770)
Stitched size: 14 1/2 x 11 inch (37 x 28 cm)
Stitches: cross stitch over 2 threads, Double running stitch
Chart: Color and B&W, includes one-page chart for Digital stitching
Threads: Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC
Number of colors: 16

Themes: Spain, 19th century, Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Virgin and Child, Virgin of the Pillar


>> see all late 19th century Reproduction Samplers (all designers)

>> see all patterns with Bible Quotes or Prayers (all designers)


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Couleur Tourterelle - Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 1 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 2 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 3 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 4 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Concepcion Longares 1884 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 5 (chart)

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