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» » » Florabella - giant biscornu cushion
cross stitch pattern
by Tam's Creations


Florabella - giant biscornu cushion
cross stitch pattern
by Tam's Creations

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Florabella - giant biscornu cushion

Tam's Creations has done it again!
After coming up with the HUGE IDEA of a Biggie Biscornu, here is another of these fabulous cushions.

It's big yet quick to stitch because the designer has chosen a 6ct Aida fabric that's very quick to cover. The chart only measures 150 x 150 stitches so it doesn't take any longer than stitching a medium size project. It's real easy too because it's only cross stitches stitched using all 6 strands of floss. You will need a piece of 6ct Aida at least 30 x 30" in size.
>> learn more about making a cushion-size biscornu

A fun idea: as an option, Tam suggests you substitute as she did the pink floss used for the rose in the center of the design with DMC Rose Scented Floss From the DMC Secret Perfume range. You'll enjoy the delicate frarance of the flower scented floss as you stitch along!
>> more information about the scented floss on DMC's website

Tam used a lace border for the sides of the cushion that reinforces the romantic feel. The back of the cushion is in a matching pink fabric. You can download and print the designers free instructions for making a biscornu with contrasting material.

A design by Tam's Creations. >> visit her store.

Number of stitches: 150 x 150 (wide x high)
Size of stitched piece: on 6ct Aida - 25" x 25" (60 x 60 cm)
Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches), Backstitch,
Chart: color
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss,
Number of colors: 9

Themes: giant biscornu cushion, floral, flowers, romantic

>> see more Biscornus patterns by Tam's Creations
>> see all biscornu patterns (all designers)

All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download
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Florabella - giant biscornu cushion - cross stitch pattern - by Tam\'s Creations (zoom 1)

Florabella - giant biscornu cushion - cross stitch pattern - by Tam\'s Creations (zoom 2)

Florabella - giant biscornu cushion - cross stitch pattern - by Tam\'s Creations (zoom 3)

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