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» » » Winter Snowflakes
cross stitch pattern
by Samanthapurdyneedlecraft


Winter Snowflakes
cross stitch pattern
by Samanthapurdyneedlecraft

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Price : $5.49
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Winter Snowflakes



It is hardly late, but it's night-time already.

Days are getting shorter and shorter.

My shopping is done, and I'm on my way back, all bundled up in my coat.

I love watching the white flakes fall, knowing that in a few moments I'll be toasty warm at home.

The cat is waiting for me on the window sill.

It is going to snow all night, there is already a good layer.


Simple life, simple joys, such as coming home at night, your day done, and knowing you'll soon be nice and warm at home, depicted in cross stitch by Samantha Purdy.

>> see more Winter patterns by Samanthapurdyneedlecraft

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Winter Snowflakes

Chart size in stitches: 103 x 109 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 14 ct Aida, black

Size: 7 1/2 x 7 3/4 inch (19 x 20 cm)
Fits into a 10" x 10 " frame or 12" hoop for framing.
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch, Half Stitch, Backstitch/Longstitch, French knots
Chart: color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 11
Other Supplies: optional vintage trimming or lace for snow on the ground

Themes: walk in the snow, snug and warm scarf and hat, shopping, short winter days


>> see all patterns for Winter  (all designers)

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Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Winter Snowflakes, zoom 1 (Cross stitch chart)

Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Winter Snowflakes, zoom 2 (Cross stitch chart)

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