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» » Kitchen

Creative Poppy - Shop for kitchen patterns in counted cross stitch

Kitchen patterns




Themes: Cooking, baking, food, kitchen, cook, breakfast, lunch, dinner, menu, food

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Lilli Violette - I love my Kitchen (cross stitch chart)
I love my Kitchen
cross stitch pattern
by Lilli Violette
Lilli Violette 

Lilli Violette - I love my Kitchen zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Happy Childhood collection  - In the kitchen - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Happy Childhood collection - In the kitchen
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff
Perrette Samouiloff 

Happy Childhood collection  - In the kitchen - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff (zoom 1)
Lesley Teare Designs - Country Kitchen Dresser (Cross stitch chart)
Country Kitchen Dresser
cross stitch pattern
by Lesley Teare Designs
Lesley Teare Designs 

Lesley Teare Designs - Country Kitchen Dresser, zoom 1 (Cross stitch chart)
Kitchen - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
cross stitch pattern
by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin 

Kitchen - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin (zoom 1)
Perrette Samouiloff - Chef's Kitchen (7 cook motifs & Alphabet) (cross stitch chart)
Chef's Kitchen (7 cook motifs & Alphabet)
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff
Perrette Samouiloff 

Perrette Samouiloff - Chef's Kitchen (7 cook motifs & Alphabet) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Dear Chef (cross stitch chart)
Dear Chef
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka 

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Dear Chef zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Kiss the cook / Bon appétit! cross stitch pattern designed by Barbara Ana
Kiss the cook
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs
Barbara Ana Designs 

Kiss the cook cross stitch pattern designed by Barbara Ana
Kiss the cook (male version) - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs
Kiss the cook (male version)
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs
Barbara Ana Designs 

Kiss the cook (male version) - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs (zoom 1)
Perrette Samouiloff - Hot Milk and Chocolate (Cross stitch chart)
Hot Milk and Chocolate
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff
Perrette Samouiloff 

Perrette Samouiloff - Hot Milk and Chocolate, zoom 1 (Cross stitch chart)
Herb pots - cross stitch pattern - by Maria Diaz
Herb pots
cross stitch pattern
by Maria Diaz
Maria Diaz 

Herb pots - cross stitch pattern - by Maria Diaz (zoom 1)
Recipe book cover: mes bonnes recettes - cross stitch pattern - by Chouett'alors
Recipe book cover: mes bonnes recettes
cross stitch pattern
by Chouett'alors

Recipe book cover: mes bonnes recettes - cross stitch pattern - by Chouett'alors (zoom 1)
Tiny Modernist - Bake the World (cross stitch chart)
Bake the World
cross stitch pattern
by Tiny Modernist
Tiny Modernist 

Tiny Modernist - Bake the World zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Busy Baking cakes - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud
Busy Baking cakes
cross stitch pattern
by Sylvie Teytaud
Sylvie Teytaud 

Busy Baking cakes - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud (zoom 1)
Samanthapurdytextile - Cooking Potatoes (cross stitch chart)
Cooking Potatoes
cross stitch pattern
by Samanthapurdytextile

Samanthapurdytextile - Cooking Potatoes zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Dishwashing (cross stitch chart)
cross stitch pattern
by Samanthapurdyneedlecraft

Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Dishwashing zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Tiny Modernist - Sushi Bento box (cross stitch chart)
Sushi Bento box
cross stitch pattern
by Tiny Modernist
Tiny Modernist 

Tiny Modernist - Sushi Bento box zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Bordeaux & Chateau Margaux - cross stitch pattern - by Monique Bonnin
Bordeaux & Chateau Margaux
cross stitch pattern
by Monique Bonnin
Monique Bonnin 

Bordeaux & Chateau Margaux - cross stitch pattern - by Monique Bonnin (zoom 1)
Perrette Samouiloff - Garden-Fresh Delights (cross stitch chart)
Garden-Fresh Delights
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff
Perrette Samouiloff 

Perrette Samouiloff - Garden-Fresh Delights zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Tiny Modernist - Retro Kitchen Mixer (cross stitch chart)
Retro Kitchen Mixer
cross stitch pattern
by Tiny Modernist
Tiny Modernist 

Tiny Modernist - Retro Kitchen Mixer zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Ready for breakfast (bowl) - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud
Ready for breakfast (bowl)
cross stitch pattern
by Sylvie Teytaud
Sylvie Teytaud 

Ready for breakfast (bowl) - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud (zoom 1)
Ready for breakfast (Mug) - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud
Ready for breakfast (Mug)
cross stitch pattern
by Sylvie Teytaud
Sylvie Teytaud 

Ready for breakfast (Mug) - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud (zoom 1)
Lesley Teare Designs - Blue & White Dresser (Cross stitch chart)
Blue & White Dresser
cross stitch pattern
by Lesley Teare Designs
Lesley Teare Designs 

Lesley Teare Designs - Blue & White Dresser, zoom 1 (Cross stitch chart)
Iveta Hlavinova - Christmas baking (cross stitch pattern )
Christmas baking
cross stitch pattern
by Iveta Hlavinova
Iveta Hlavinova 

Iveta Hlavinova - Christmas baking (cross stitch pattern ) (zoom1)
Drink coffee (Stitch faster) - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs
Drink coffee (Stitch faster)
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs
Barbara Ana Designs 

Drink coffee (Stitch faster) - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs (zoom 1)
Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Inside Baba Yaga's Hut (The Samovar) (cross stitch chart)
Inside Baba Yaga's Hut (The Samovar)
cross stitch pattern
by Kateryna - Stitchy Princess
Kateryna - Stitchy Princess 

Kateryna - Stitchy Princess - Inside Baba Yaga's Hut (The Samovar), zoom 1  (cross stitch chart)
Kitchen potholder set (red) - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Kitchen potholder set (red)
cross stitch pattern
by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin 

Kitchen potholder set (red) - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin (zoom 1)
Samanthapurdytextile - Ready to Bake (cross stitch chart)
Ready to Bake
cross stitch pattern
by Samanthapurdytextile

Samanthapurdytextile - Ready to Bake zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Barbara Ana Designs - Witchy Pantry (Come Sit a Spell) (cross stitch chart)
Witchy Pantry (Come Sit a Spell)
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs
Barbara Ana Designs 

Barbara Ana Designs - Witchy Pantry (Come Sit a Spell) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Today's menu (take it or leave it) - cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Today's menu (Take it or leave it!)
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs
Barbara Ana Designs 

Today's menu (take it or leave it) - cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Lesley Teare Designs - Decorative Teapots (cross stitch chart)
Decorative Teapots
cross stitch pattern
by Lesley Teare Designs
Lesley Teare Designs 

Lesley Teare Designs - Decorative Teapots zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
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<b>Drink coffee (Stitch faster)</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Kiss the cook</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Happy Childhood collection  - In the kitchen</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
<b>Herb pots</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Maria Diaz</b>
<b>Today's menu (Take it or leave it!)</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
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