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» » » Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection)
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches


Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection)
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches

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Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection)

Kathy Bungard of Gracewood stitches, in her own words:


One glorious thing about short winter days is the fact it is easier to catch a sunrise.
This design was inspired by those icy cold mornings when it is clear and the hoar frost covers the panes and just before the sun begins to break over the mountains, the sky is suffused with soft shades of pearl grey, pink and lavender.
Vintage motifs reimagined and laid over those hues express how such a winter's daybreak looks from my window.


Creative Poppy says:


A classic textile motif with a contempary feel brought by the squares of color in the background. The soft powdery colors are perfect for home decor.


You could however easily switch colors to adapt the piece to your own interior.


Winter Day break was designed in the Assisi technique, where the background is cross stitched and the main motif is leaft unstitched, in the color of the original fabric - here white.  

Note: beaded embellisments.


The piece can also be used for needlepoint (tapestry) projects in which case you would substitute cross stitches for tent stitch and fill in the blank areas with white thread.


A cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches.

>> see more vintage textile patterns by Gracewood Stitches

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection)

Chart size in stitches: 159 x 159 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch,
Chart: Color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 4

Accessories: seed beads

Themes: a decorative textile motif on a background evocative of the colors of daybreak

>> see all patterns for stitching cushion covers (all designers)


>> see all patterns suitable for needlepoint projects (all designs)


>> see all patterns using assisi stitch technique (all designers)


All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.
Price in £ or €: select a currency in top right section of this page.

Gracewood Stitches - Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Gracewood Stitches - Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection) zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Gracewood Stitches - Winter Daybreak (Vintage textiles collection) zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

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