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» » » April - Spring has sprung
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches


April - Spring has sprung
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches

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Price : $7.99
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April - Spring has sprung


In the words of the designer:


"April - Spring has Sprung completes my Calendar Collection of designs that are reflections on various types of vintage textiles.


A tapestry style created in Asissi type of stitching only backgrounds, this pattern is mainly full cross stitch with a small percentage of half stitches as well.


April is a special time when mountain tops may still be covered in snow, and the sunny days along with stormy ones create a riot of new fresh shades of greens, yellows and browns, as the longer days bring growing things to life again.


I hope you'll think of the soft spring breezes as you stitch!


Kathy Bungard"

Creative Poppy says:

The pattern includes some fractional stitches for the brown slanted lines in the angles. You can easily substitute full stitches if you prefer. This will create tiny "steps" rather than smooth lines, but this will hardly be noticeable when the piece is finished.

A cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches.

>> see more patterns by Gracewood Stitches

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
April - Spring has sprung

Chart size in stitches:166 x 166 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 16 ct Aida or 32 ct evenweave, white
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: cross stitch, backstitch, fractional stitches
Chart: color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 7

Themes: daffodills, yellow and green, young sprouts


>> see all patterns with Daffodills (all designers)

>> see all Year-round calendar patterns (all designers)


All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.

Gracewood Stitches - April - Spring has sprung, zoom 1 (cross stitchchart)

Gracewood Stitches - April - Spring has sprung, zoom 2 (cross stitchchart)

Gracewood Stitches - April - Spring has sprung, zoom 3 (cross stitchchart)

Gracewood Stitches - April - Spring has sprung, zoom 4 (cross stitchchart)

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cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches
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