1900's Bathing Costumes
1900 is when beach going and swimming became a truly fashionable summer leasure activity, drawing crowds to the seaside. Finding the right outfit became quite a challenge and stimulated a huge vogue of swimwear fashion creation.
Cross stitch designer Perrette Samouiloff captures the spirit of these early days, with this fun and elegant pattern featuring 6 young ladies in interesting bathing costumes.
Beach huts on wheels (such as the one appearing in the distance) also became a feature of seaside resorts. They were drawn by horses into the water and allowed the ladies some privacy when dipping into the water.
This delightful pattern can be cross stitched in a single row if you prefer a landscape format, such as in the example below.

A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.
>> see more patterns related to Fashion and Costumes by Perrette Samouiloff
Number of stitches:128 x 117 (wide x high)
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Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch,
Chart: Black and White with color detail
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss,
Number of colors:14
Themes: beach, seaside, swimming, bathing, swimwear, outfit, 1900
>> see more Seaside patterns by Perrette Samouiloff
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