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Capture light with opalescent threads

How to capture light with opalescent threads

Opalescent threads - DMC Light effects rangeOpalescent threads are great way to add special interest to any piece stitched in light, pastel colors. With a special iridescence similar to mother-of-pearl, they add a little sparkle and light.

Originally only available in white, they now come in many colorways, the largest range currently available being DMC's Light Effects Pearlescent range with 8 colors.

These pearly threads are wonderful for wedding projects. The following patterns all use these threads for special highlights. Here are some of the latest wedding patterns that use opalescent thread for extra sparkle:

   Wedding biscornu, cross stitch pattern designed by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin     Perrette Samouiloff -Attending a celebration - cross stitch pattern     Barbara Ana - Two hearts, one love - Cross stitch pattern     Wedding gift set with ring cusion - Tams Creations
   Wedding biscornu               Attending a celebration              Two hearts, one love     Wedding Gift set
   M-A Réthoret-Melin             Perrette Samouiloff                     Barbara Ana                  Tams Creations

>> see all Wedding patterns on Creative Poppy's website

Tips for stitching with opalescent threads:

Opalescent threads are made of a material that is much stiffer that cotton, even than some metallic threads, because of a very fine film winded around their core. They have a reputation of being tricky to stitch with. There are however some simple tricks that you can try, that will make it much easier to stitch with them.

How to thread the needle:
The end of the thread might open up and be difficult to thread. If stitching with two strands, cut a single strand, double the length. Fold in two and thread the folded part which should easily slip through the eye of the needle.

Using a slip knot around the needle:
This works like magic! No more fraying and both strands will lay evenly on the fabric. Once you have slipped the thread through the needle, go back once into the loop and pull tight. This will anchor the thread firmly onto the needle.

One last tip, make sure the two lengths are exactly the same length when you make your first stitch. From then on, stitching will be easy.

These tips work for any fine opalescent threads but they are also very useful for any metallic or stiff threads, any slippery threads or whenever the end of your threads tends to fray. The only thing you need to make sure is that the needle slips easily through the fabric (usually works well with a size 24 needle and 14ct Aida or 28ct linen and evenweave).

DMC Color numbering information:
Note that the White iridescent in DMC's range, previously DMC 5272, is now in the Light Effects Pearlescent range under number E5200. The two colors are the same and can be substituted.
All DMC Light Effects colors start with E followed by a number. If you don't wish to stitch with that particular thread, you can always substitute it with the corresponding cotton thread in the DMC range, using the same number. ie: E 5200 >> 5200 (white)

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