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» » » Floral Jigsaw Puzzle
cross stitch pattern
by Tam's Creations


Floral Jigsaw Puzzle
cross stitch pattern
by Tam's Creations

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Floral Jigsaw Puzzle




This is now the second in Tam's Creations innovative cross stitch jigsaw projects! This time you get to play with pretty flower shapes.
You will be  given a number of jigsaw puzzle shapes and motifs and it will be your job to decide exactly how you want to piece and stitch them together. The result will be unique!

It's your decision how small or large your stitched piece will be. Each "piece" of the puzzle is 30 stitches wide by 30 stitches high, about 2 inch square.
The designer suggests a minimum size of a completed puzzle of 9 x 9 pieces:  91 x 91 stitches - or 6.5inch (16.5cm) square, but you can create any square or rectangular shape of any size. The very smallest is 2 x 2 or pieces, about 4 inch square (10cm). It will also work in a rectangular postcard layout with 2 x 3 pieces. Tam's Creations provides three square layout examples (see below). Basically there is no limit to your creativity!

Coloring is "freestyle" too: you pick one single colour of floss for the outlines of the gigsaw pieces. Then, each single piece is yours to color in with different motifs to select from. A great project for using your bits and pieces of thread hanging around.

A design by Tam's Creations.
>> visit Tam's pattern gallery.


Size in stitches of one piece: 30 x 30 (wide x high)

Number of pieces (can be repeated): 30
Examples of combinations:

5 pieces by 5 pieces = 151 x 151 stitches

9 pieces by  9 pieces = 271 x 271 stitches

15 pieces by 15pieces = 451 x 451 stitches


Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches), 
Chart: Black and White 
Threads: your choice
Number of colors: 25

Themes: Gigsaw puzzle, game, interactive, creative

>> see more Cross stitch patterns by Tam's Creations

>> see all ornamental flower patterns (all designers)

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Tam\'s Creations - Floral Jigsaw Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle (cross stitch pattern) (zoom1)

Tam\'s Creations - Floral Jigsaw Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle (cross stitch pattern) (zoom 2)

Tam\'s Creations - Floral Jigsaw Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle (cross stitch pattern) (zoom3)

Tam\'s Creations - Floral Jigsaw Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle (cross stitch pattern) (zoom 4)

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