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» » » Must Fly
cross stitch pattern
by Riverdrift House


Must Fly
cross stitch pattern
by Riverdrift House

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Must Fly


Amanda Stevenson, Riverdrift House's designer,  was struck by the beauty of a large sampler when she visited the National Library of Wales collection in Aberystwyth. Stitched by Mary Jones in 1826 it depicts a manor house and its ornamental garden.


The central motif that appears in front of the house looks like a carpet, but is it a paved courtyard with an ornamental pattern? a garden pool decorated with mosaics? We'll never know. Still, it gives a very original character to the embroidery. The designer based her design on the original sampler, then added birds, animals, insects and flowers of her own creation, giving it a new life.


"It is always fun to re-interpret an antique classic. When absorbed in the stitching, it feels the closest to time travel I could ever come. I titled the design ‘Must Fly’ in reference to this experience "


The dominant tones are coral red and turquoise blue. The sampler was worked on a light gray linen fabric, but it is also possible to cross stitch on a white fabric substituting 2 colors of threads as listed.


Cross stitch pattern designed by Riverdrift House.

>> see more patterns by Riverdrift House

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Must Fly

Chart size in stitches: 251 x 265 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 16ct Zweigart belfast linen - light grey (or white with color substitution)
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Stitches: Cross stitch
Chart: Color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 18

Themes: Sampler, birds, pigeon house, butterfly, squirrel, sheep, dog, ornamental garden


>> see more Sampler patterns by Riverdrift House

>> see all patterns with Gardens (all designers)

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Riverdrift House - Must Fly zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Riverdrift House - Must Fly zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Riverdrift House - Must Fly zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

Riverdrift House - Must Fly zoom 4 (cross stitch chart)

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