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» » The Lacemaker
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff


The Lacemaker
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff

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The Lacemaker


This amazing cross stitch design is a tribute by Perrette Samouilloff to the awesome art of bobbin lace making.


The lady lacemaker is all about her work sitting in front of her lace-making cushion, with lace threads in use hanging on bobbins. Also pictured are all the various tools, bobbins, hooks, pins, scissors, etc ... used for the bobbin lace technique.


The lacemaker is in the spotlight, top left. The rest of the embroidery happily combines border or motif lace patterns, rows of tidy tools, and the title text: "The lacemaker". The original piece was designed with the French title "La dentellière". If you would like to stitch the original French chart, let us know after ordering and we will make it available to you.


The design is worked in cross stitch and backstitch.


Creative Poppy tip:

A solid red floss from the DMC range was used for stitching this piece (photo). You can however use any thread of your choice, for example DMC variegated* floss in color 115, a gorgeous deep red thread varying from light to dark shades.

* note: unlike DMC Variations threads which change color every 2 inch or so (approximately 5 to 8 stitches), variegated thread changes color every length or so. This means you can quite easily stay in control of color areas if you want them to be consistent. One could thus imagine that each bobbin or tool is stitched in a particular tone, slightly different from its neighbor.

A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.


>> see all Leisure time, Hobbies & Work patterns by Perrette Samouiloff

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
The Lacemaker

Chart size in stitches: 137 x 158 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave
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Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch
Chart: Black & White, color detail
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 1

Themes: bobbin lace tools, pin pusher, pin lifter, crochet hook, lazy maid



>> see all patterns related to Lace (all designers)

All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.

Perrette Samouiloff - The Lacemaker zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - The Lacemaker zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - The Lacemaker zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - The Lacemaker zoom 4 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - The Lacemaker zoom 5 (cross stitch chart)

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Creative Co. 1 rue de Stockholm, 75008 PARIS - France

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Creative Poppy is a Trademark of Creative Co., a company registered in Paris, France
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