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» » » Cherry Blossom motifs
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff


Cherry Blossom motifs
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff

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Cherry Blossom motifs



With these pretty florals, this is a very useful and versatile resource for cross stitchers. It can be used for personalizing projects for birthdays, mother's day, weddings, anniversaries and any time you want to make a small personalized gift.


Combine the many motifs, templates and borders, include initials, add a little text. The motifs can be stitched on cards but also on a multitude of small objects such as pouches, small towels, coasters, table mats. The square motifs will also make a cute collection of matching needlework accessories such as a needlecase, pincushion and scissor case. They can be mounted either as biscornu or regular mini cushions.


The chart includes:

- 4 square motifs. Size each: 55 x 55 or 4 x 4 inch on 14ct.
- 1 border motif, can be repeated. Size 105 x 27 or 7 1/2 inch x 2 inch.
- 2 templates:

   * one square with 2 corner motifs (With Love), size 83 x 89 or 6 inch x 6 inch on 14ct

   * the other one rectangular with a single corner motif (Happy Birthday), size 85 x 49 or 6 x 3 1/2 inch on 14ct.

Both are provided with an extra blank chart for text personalization.
- Alphabet in lower case and caps.


Perrette Samouiloff is a an expert in designing needlework borders and creates the most exquisite and original motifs, full of rich detail in a combination of cross stitch, backstitch, French knots and with occasional 3/4 cross stitch for some details.

A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.

>> see more Spring patterns by Perrette Samouiloff

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Cherry Blossom motifs

Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave
Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch, French knots, 3/4 cross stitch
Chart: Black & White, color detail
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 11

Themes: borders, square motifs, designs with text, small gifts, birthday, mother's day, weddings


>> see more patterns for Spring and Summer by Perrette Samouiloff

>> see all patterns with Tree blossoms (all designers)
>> see all patterns with Borders and Bands (all designers)

All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.
Price in £ or €: select a currency in top right section of this page.

Perrette Samouiloff - Cherry Blossom motifs zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Cherry Blossom motifs zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Cherry Blossom motifs zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Cherry Blossom motifs zoom 4 (cross stitch chart)

Perrette Samouiloff - Cherry Blossom motifs zoom 5 (cross stitch chart)

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