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tips and tricks for stitching with metallics |
3 golden rules for easy cross stitching with metallic floss
Thought metallic threads were tricky? You’re about to change your mind! These 3 simple tricks are really worth trying:
1. Separate your strands without causing any stress …to the thread! The trick is to separate your strands individually, not using the "pull apart" method 
Avoid pulling the strands apart for separating
Instead, hold the tip of the thread in your left hand, between your thumb and index, cupping the thread with your other fingers. Gently pull out one single strand. The floss will start bunching up at the bottom of your hand and looks like its forming a knot. It isn’t and will come back fine.
Pull "out" one strand at a time as shown above
The great advantage of this method is that it causes the thread no extra twisting. The thread is “relaxed” …and you will be too because it won’t create any tangling and knotting. Watch what happens when you use the other method. For the two strands to come undone, the whole length of thread goes through a great amount of twisting and turning – or “stress”. It’s the extra twisting that’s the principle cause of knotting, something all stitchers want to avoid!
2. Threading the easy way With metallic floss, don’t thread your strands directly through the needle’s eye. Fold your strand for threading.
Avoid threading the tip of metallic floss through the eye. Fold floss first before pushing through eye of the needle.
The way the thread is constructed, the tip of the thread can unravel easily. There’s an easy way round that problem: Fold a strand in two and thread the folded part through the needle. It slips through the eye real easy. This works both for threading one or two strands. If the case of one strand , fold the tip of your length. For two strands, cut one strand only, and double its length.
Make sure your needle is big enough. Usually a needle size 24 is fine. If you’re working on a finer count where you would normally be using a 26, it helps to have a slightly larger needle for working metallic threads because it opens up the fabric weave and helps the thread slip through.
3. Say goodbye to fraying, slipping and tangling: Use the slip knot method to thread the needle.
This method is fool proof: Your thread will be locked onto your needle and there’s absolutely no risk of fraying.
 Lock your floss onto your needle to eliminate any risk of fraying
If you’re using two strands, cut a single strand, double the length. Fold in two. Thread as indicated above. Pull out about an inch and a half. Slip the tip of the needle through the loop formed by the thread and pull needle out. Tighten the knot so it forms a tiny knot at the end of the needle. This looks like it might prevent your needle pulling through the fabric but it really does work with most fabrics (with the exception of fine counts and tightly woven fabrics).
Trim the end of your thread so the two strands are the same length and make sure they still are for your first cross stitch. You’re ready to go! Soon you’ll be stitching along real fast. No fraying, no slipping, no tangling. Just make sure you keep enough floss to end your thread because with this method there’s no extra thread left after the eye of the needle. This method also works fine for stitching with a single strand.
Luminous threads for sublime cross stitching
Now you've mastered these simple tricks, you're ready to have some fun stitching and adding a little glamour to your cross stitch projects. Here are some festive ideas for Christmas: >> see patterns for Xmas with metallic threads