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» » » Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection)
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches


Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection)
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches

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Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection)


Here's the Alsace pattern, in Gracewood Stitches's Vintage Textile Collection. The design is actually a cross stitch pattern reproducing the effect of a woven fabric. It's stitched in two beautiful tones of red floss.


Designer Kathy Bungard of Gracewood stitches says:
"Alsace is the fourth design in my Vintage Textiles Collection. Inspired by my love for ticking fabric and named for the region of France well known for its beautiful ticking, including woven mattress tickings in deep saturated tones and in colors not seen elsewhere in France".

The pattern combines floral bands and other geometric motifs in vertical rows. It is continuous, like any textile motif, which means you can either extend it or reduce it at will, depending on your project.


The motif is stitched in cross stitch using the Assisi technique, with the motif remaining unstiched in the background and the colour filling the areas around it.


You could also easily convert this pattern for use in needlepoint (tapestry), in which case you would stitch on a blank canvas,  substitute the cross stitch for tent stitch or half stitch and fill in the blanks with white. Needlepoint is ideal for upholstery projects or small items such as glasses cases or bags that need extra resistance and stiffness.


If cross stitching, the pattern is perfect for the cover of a textile covered box, pouches and of course cushion covers. 


The red color is emblematic of the Alsace region. You could however pick your own tones (one light, one slightly darker) to blend into your home decor colors. Beige on white, for instance, would look very elegant.




A cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches.

>> see more vintage fabric patterns by Gracewood Stitches


Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection)

Chart size in stitches: 243 x 202 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch
Chart: Black & White
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 22

Themes: Alsace, France, Vintage textile fabrics, woven fabric


>> see all red monochrome patterns (all designers)


>> see all patterns using assisi stitch technique (all designers)


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Price in £ or €: select a currency in top right section of this page.

Gracewood Stitches - Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Gracewood Stitches - Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection) zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Gracewood Stitches - Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection) zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

Gracewood Stitches - Alsace (Vintage Textile Collection) zoom 4 (cross stitch chart)

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Creative Co. 1 rue de Stockholm, 75008 PARIS - France

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