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» » » Three Little Pigs
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka


Three Little Pigs
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka

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Three Little Pigs

The Big Bad Wolf knocked on the little pig's door and said:

                           I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!

Beautifully illustrated with subtle colors and lovely detail, here is GERA's cross stitch version of the story of the little pigs.


The little pigs are smart and affable as they open the door to the wolf, their houses spick and span. A little bird has nested on the house of straw and the sun is shining brightly. Hidden behind an apple tree, the wolf is about to carry out his wicked plans...


Creative Poppy tip:

This banner like pattern is perfect for turning into a wall-hanging growth chart for a children's room. Stitch the item first on any fabric of your choice. If you intend to wash the fabric after stitching do it first (as it may shrink a bit). Trace then stitch incrementing lines, starting the measurements at the base of the pattern at say 60 cm or 2 feet, alternating longer and shorter rows of cross stitches. 

A cross stitch pattern by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka.

>> see more patterns by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Three Little Pigs

Chart size in stitches: 61 x 319 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: Aida, Linen or Evenweave, off white
>> View size in my choice of fabric (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch
Chart: Black & White, Color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 30

Themes: children's story, fairy tale, wolf, house of straw, wood, bricks


>> see more Children's patterns by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka

>> see all patterns with Bed-time stories & Nursery rhymes (all designers)


All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.
Price in £ or €: select a currency in top right section of this page.

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs zoom 2 (cross stitch chart)

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs zoom 3 (cross stitch chart)

Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs zoom 4 (cross stitch chart)

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