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» » » Petite Faby - Three Little Christmas cards
cross stitch pattern
by Faby Reilly Designs


Petite Faby - Three Little Christmas cards
cross stitch pattern
by Faby Reilly Designs

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Price : $9.99
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Petite Faby - Three Little Christmas cards



This project offers three different motifs to cross stitch for Christmas: an Angel, Santa and a Snowman. Instuctions for mounting the cards are included.

Part of the "Stitches for Titches" series

These cross stitch projects are especially designed to be stitched by a child. All have an appealing design, child-friendly and fun instructions including pictures that will guide the child step by step. 

A cross stitch pattern designed by Faby Reilly for children to cross stitch.
>> visit Faby Reilly's pattern gallery.

Number of stitches: 3 x (40 x 40) (wide x high)
>> View size in my choice of fabric - Click here (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches), Backstitch, beads
Chart: Black and White chart with color detail
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss, DMC Light Effects
Number of colors: 13

Themes: Christmas cards


>> see all Xmas ornaments by Faby Reilly

>> see all Christmas patterns (all designers)

All patterns on Creative Poppy's website are printable and available for instant download.
Price in £, €: to view price in POUNDS / EUROS…, select a currency in top right section of this page

three different motifs to cross stitch for Christmas: an Angel, Santa and a Snowman (zoom1)

three different motifs to cross stitch for Christmas: an Angel, Santa and a Snowman (zoom 2)

three different motifs to cross stitch for Christmas: an Angel, Santa and a Snowman (zoom3)

three different motifs to cross stitch for Christmas: an Angel, Santa and a Snowman (zoom 5)

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