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» » Lavender Bouquet Needlebook
cross stitch pattern
by Faby Reilly Designs


Lavender Bouquet Needlebook
cross stitch pattern
by Faby Reilly Designs

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Lavender Bouquet Needlebook

Such a pretty way to keep your needles tidy... or such a nice gift for a stitcher friend (fill it up with different size needles). The lavender and butterfly pattern wraps round the cover, with extra details stitched on the inside. Follow Faby Reilly's very detailed "Needlebook tutorial" with step-by-step instructions for assembly, which you can download for free off our stitcher resource page.

The beauty of this project is the exquisite stitching of the lavender flowers and butterflies, a clever combination of cross stitch, back stitch and French knots. No fewer than 14 colors are used to convey the delicate shadings of the flowers. All stitches are carefully explained and the charts are provided in two "layers", first the cross stitch, then all the embellishment stitches, which makes it particularly easy to follow.

The pattern includes a great number of French knots. If you are not familiar with them, or have found them tricky in the past, follow Faby Reilly's helpful advice: "Use your left thumb to keep the cotton near the knot nice and flat against the fabric while you thread your needle and the cotton through the knot".

This pattern is part of the Lavender Bouquet series that includes a humbug, a biscornu, a pouch, a needlebook and an ortbag.

A cross stitch pattern designed by Faby Reilly - La Fée Rie.
>> visit Faby Reilly's store.

Number of stitches: 73 x 47 (for outer cover); 34 x 47 for each inner piece (wide x high)
Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches), Backstitch, French knots
Chart: Black and White chart AND Color chart
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss,
Number of colors: 14

Themes: Lavender, flower, bouquet, ribbon, Needlebook

>> see the complete "Lavender Bouquet" series by Faby Reilly

>> see more "stitchers favorites" patterns
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Lavender Bouquet Needlebook - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs (zoom 1)

Lavender Bouquet Needlebook - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs (zoom 2)

Lavender Bouquet Needlebook - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs (zoom 3)

Lavender Bouquet Needlebook - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs (zoom 4)

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