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» » » Apple blossom Needlebook
cross stitch pattern
by Faby Reilly Designs


Apple blossom Needlebook
cross stitch pattern
by Faby Reilly Designs

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Price : $5.99
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Apple blossom Needlebook


This is a small and extremely pretty needlebook  designed to hold your needles and pins nice and tidy. The delicate petals of the light pink flower are stitched in a combination of cross stitch and backstitch as well as some beads. 


The design wraps around the front and back of the needlebook and there are some more minimotifs inside the covers. Detailed instructions for mounting and finishing the needlebook come with the chart.


There are many shapes available in the beautiful of apple blossom theme designed by Faby Reilly, including a complete collection of matching stitcher's accessories (neeedlebook, scissor case, biscornu acting as a pincushion and  even an ortbag). There is also a greeting card (with Love) and some pretty sachets to fill with scented pot-pourri.

A cross stitch pattern designed by Faby Reilly .
>> visit Faby Reilly's pattern gallery.

Number of stitches: 73 x 47 + 2 x (34 x 47) (wide x high)
Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches), Backstitch, 
Chart: Color Chart
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss,
Number of colors: 14

Themes: stitcher's accessories, needles, needlebook, apple blossom, spring

>> see all apple blossom patterns by Faby Reilly

>> see all stitcher's accessories' patterns by Faby Reilly
>> see all scissor and needlecase patterns (all designers)

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Apple blossom Needlebook (cross stitch pattern ) designed by Faby Reilly (zoom1)

Apple blossom Needlebook (cross stitch pattern ) designed by Faby Reilly (zoom 2)

Apple blossom Needlebook (cross stitch pattern ) designed by Faby Reilly (zoom3)

Apple blossom Needlebook (cross stitch pattern ) designed by Faby Reilly (zoom 4)

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