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News 2019 - 3

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Cross stitch & needlework patterns  (continued)

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Love gives you .... fins!


Fancy this little mermaid working hard to swim against the current: She's carrying a huge basket of underwater flowers, a gift for her beloved. A superb allegory of Love brought to you in cross stitch by Barbara Ana.

Flowers from the Sea cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Flowers from the Sea
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Flowers from the Sea cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Love related patterns by Barbara Ana Designs

>> see all patterns with mermaids (all designers)


Porthole view


Peek through the porthole. A little girl is fishing among the seaweed and plants of the coastline but the fish are playing in the waves unperturbed. You can almost hear the cry of the seagulls. A design by Perrette Samouiloff.

Seaside Wreath cross stitch pattern by Perette Samouiloff

Seaside Wreath
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Seaside Wreath cross stitch pattern by Perette Samouiloff, zoom 1


More Seaside patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Perrette Samouiloff excels at depicting seaside scenes, you can see she really enjoys observing sealife and people having fun near the sea.

Happy Childhood,Seaside (large) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Happy Childhood, Seaside
Gone fishing - color version (large pattern) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Gone fishing
Seaside motif sampler (large) - cross stitch pattern - by Perrette Samouiloff
Seaside motif sampler
Perrette Samouiloff - 1900's Bathing Costumes (cross stitch pattern chart)
1900's Bathing Costumes


>> see all Seaside patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Beach fashion


Polka dots everywhere! This is Lilli Violette's vision of an idyllic day at the beach with plenty of oh-so-cute detail such as the wicker picnic basket used to carry the coffee pot, which is lined with red checker cloth.

A day at the Seaside cross stitch pattern by Lilli Violette

A day at the Seaside
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lilli Violette
A day at the Seaside cross stitch pattern by Lilli Violette, zoom 1

>> see all the latest news for Lilli Violette


Vying for attention


Snuggled against each other, painted in bright colors, each of these little beach huts seems to be vying for attention. Deck chairs and surfboards are out. It's a perfect day at the beach. A design by Tiny Modernist.

Summer Beach Huts cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

Summer Beach Huts
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
Summer Beach Huts cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Tiny Modernist

>> see all the latest news for Tiny Modernist

More patterns with beach huts


Riverdrift House - Regatta zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Regatta (detail)
Riverdrift House
Tiny Modernist - Beside the Sea zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Beside the Sea
Tiny Modernist


>> see all patterns related to the Sea and the Seaside (all designers)


Summer is here!


Apologies to our friends in the Southern hemisphere if we get a little excited. In our part of the world it's now officially and finally Summer!

Agnès Delage-Calvet - A story Told in Stitches: A day at the Seaside -  counted cross stitch pattern chart (zoom1)
A day at the Seaside
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Maria Diaz - Holiday Suitcase Sampler zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Holiday Suitcase (detail)
Maria Diaz
Scissor case & scissor fob - Sunny Colors - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Sunny Colors Needlework set
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Riverdrift House - Summer Mini Sampler zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Summer Mini Sampler
Riverdrift House
Gracewood Stitches - July - Bees & Poppies (cross stitch chart)
July - Bees & Poppies
Gracewood Stitches
Riverdrift House - Ahoy! zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Riverdrift House

>> see all patterns related to summer

>> see all the cross stitch news for summer


Mix and Match Needlework techniques


Brought to you by Lesley Teare, not only is this design gorgeous, it's quite a thrill to stitch. You'll be working intricate blackwork motifs of many a kind when stitching the petals of flowers with the black outlines, then switching to regular Cross stitch with Backstitch and French knot highlights, then finally, it's fast-forward for the borders and leaf motifs in just plain cross stitch. The stitched piece is just stunning.

Four Blackwork Flowers cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Four Blackwork Flowers
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Four Blackwork Flowers cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Blackwork patterns by Lesley Teare Designs

>> see all the latest news for Lesley Teare Designs


Butterfly Flowers


Where do the petals really end, and when do they become butterflies? Cheerful and creative cross stitch brought to you by Kyoko Maruoka for GERA!

Round Tin cans (Butterfly Flowers) cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Round Tin cans (Butterfly Flowers)
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Round Tin cans (Butterfly Flowers) cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

>> see all the latest news for GERA! Kyoko Maruoka


More patterns with Butterflies


Faby Reilly - Butterfly sampler (cross stitch pattern )
Butterfly sampler
Faby Reilly
Butterfly alphabet - cross stitch pattern - by Maria Diaz
Butterfly alphabet
Maria Diaz
Peacock & Fig - I'm Fabulous (cross stitch chart)
I'm Fabulous
Peacock & Fig
Tiny Modernist - Butterfly Biscornu (cross stitch chart)
Butterfly Biscornu
Tiny Modernist
Butterflies - design for Bath towel - cross stitch pattern - by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Bathroom Towel motif 
Marie-A. Réthoret-Mélin

>> see all cross stitch patterns with Butterflies


Fragrant Lilac flowers


A little bumblebee digs his head deep into the tiny flowers, amazingly rendered in cross stitch by Faby Reilly in a rich palette of light purples.

Lilac Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Lilac Biscornu
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Lilac Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1

More Flower Biscornu by Faby Reilly


Part of a collection of over 20 flowers, each exquisitely designed.

Faby Reilly Designs - Wisteria Biscornu (cross stitch chart)
Wisteria Biscornu
Faby Reilly - Purple Iris Biscornu (cross stitch pattern chart)
Purple Iris Biscornu
Violet Biscornu - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs
Violet Biscornu
Plum orchid biscornu - cross stitch pattern - by Faby Reilly Designs
Plum orchid biscornu


>> see all Biscornu patterns by Faby Reilly Designs


Cross stitch Garden


The simples joys of life, like holding a watering hose on a warm summer days and tending to one's garden. Brought to you with a contemporary touch by Samantha Purdy.

The happy gardener is equipped with a straw hat and a nice denim overalls. The rows are well aligned and tidy, geometric style. However the presence of birds, butterflies and lady birds gives them life. 

Vegetable Garden cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Vegetable Garden
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Vegetable Garden cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1
Planting Seedlings cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

Planting Seedlings
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft
Planting Seedlings cross stitch pattern by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Samantha Purdy Needlecraft

>> see all the latest news for Samantha Purdy Needlecraft


More Plants and Garden patterns by Samantha Purdy


Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Night Garden zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Night Garden (detail)
Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Summer Reading zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Summer Reading
Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Watering before bed zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Watering before bed
Samanthapurdyneedlecraft - Window Seat zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Window Seat
Samanthapurdytextile - Plant Shelf zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Plant Shelf

>> see all patterns with Plants and Gardens (all designers)


Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Shannon Christine Designs - Garden Fairy
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 257 on sale June/July 2019

Garden Fairy cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
Garden Fairy
Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 257 on sale June/July 2019

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


Legendary Dragon


Checkout this amazing biscornu, with a dragon spitting fire (or flowers?) with Prince Charming's castle in the distance, banners floating in the wind. A story told in stitches by Tiny Modernist.

Dragon Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

Dragon Biscornu
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
Dragon Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1

Another legendary biscornu

This time by Barbara Ana, and featuring the magic prince waiting for his kiss.

Frogscornu cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Frogscornu cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1


Picture book cross stitch


Brought to you by Kyoko Maruoka of GERA!, these 20 mini motifs are beautifully designed, simple yet visually attractive, which is what good design is always about.

The patterns will be perfect for many a project for our little ones, whether following the original idea of assembly, applying on ready-to-stitch baby items or using waste canvas (or soluble canvas) to cross stitch on children's clothes.

The Patchwork Basket cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

The Patchwork Basket
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
The Patchwork Basket cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

Patchwork Style assembly


It's a great idea to assemble small motifs patchwork style. The big advantage is that it allows you to cross stitch on a variety of colors backgrounds, in this case, 4 different colors of Permin linen.

There are two golden rule to follow though: squares must be cut exactly to the same size and the embroidery perfectly centered.

Patchwork Style assembly of cross stitch motifsHere's a useful link to see how to assemble squares

>> Making a quilt with squares of fabric


Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?


Not in any case these three little pigs, standing proud and welcoming at the door of their houses, one made of straw, one made of wood and the last one made of bricks.

This cross stitch design in the shape of a long banner, is perfect for making a wall measuring chart for a child's room.


Pictured right: Three Little Pigs
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! by Kyoko Maruoka
Three Little Pigs cross stitch pattern by GERA! by Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs (cross stitch chart) Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs (cross stitch chart) Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Three Little Pigs (cross stitch chart)

Zooming into nature


Well, of course this design tells the tale of Thumbelina, and the miniature girl's close up encounters with toads, cockchafers and the like. But isn't it also an invitation to zoom in ourselves and take a stroll in this miniature world, so poetically depicted by Kyoko Maruoka of GERA!.

Thumbelina cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Thumbelina cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

More stories told in stitches by GERA!


Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - The Three Bears zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The Three Bears
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Snow White zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Snow White
GERA! by Kyoko Maruoka - Bremen Town Musicians zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Bremen Town Musicians
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - The little Mermaid zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The little Mermaid


Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Alice in Wonderland Portraits (cross stitch chart)
Alice in Wonderland

>> see all Children's patterns by GERA!
>> see all the latest news for GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

As soon as the moon comes up... 


... and when the moonlight touches her wings, she will turn into .... But when the moonlight leaves the lake....another beautiful story told in stitches by Tiny Modernist.

The Swan Princess cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist

The Swan Princess
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist
The Swan Princess cross stitch pattern by Tiny Modernist, zoom 1

More stories told in stitches


Lilli Violette - Hansel & Gretel zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Hansel & Gretel
Lilli Violette
Shannon Christine Designs - Cinderella zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Shannon Christine Designs
Lilli Violette - Pinocchio zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Lilli Violette
Lesley Teare Designs - Fantasy Mermaid zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
The little Mermaid
Lesley Teare Designs
Lilli Violette - Practically Perfect zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Mary Poppins
Lilli Violette

>> see all cross stitch patterns with children's stories

>> see all cross stitch patterns with princesses and fairytales


Heirloom Family Tree sampler


Have you ever considered stitching a family tree for a newborn baby in your family?

Here is a stunning one, very cleverly designed, with a quaker style tree carrying woven baskets (or nests) for each generation that preceded. An amazing piece of needlework brought to you by Deborah A. Dick of Tempting Tangles.

Ancestral Tree cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs

Ancestral Tree
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs
Ancestral Tree cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs, zoom 1
Ancestral Tree cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs, zoom2Ancestral Tree cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs, zoom3Ancestral Tree cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs, zoom4


Rock-a-bye Baby


Why would the cradle rock? Of course, there are chimps swinging in the tree! Pretty and fun, a traditional nursery rhyme and lullaby turned into a Birth announcement sampler. A Tempting Tangles design.

Tree Top Birth Sampler cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs

Tree Top Birth Sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs
Tree Top Birth Sampler cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles Designs, zoom 1

>> see all Family and birth patterns by Tempting Tangles Designs

>> see all the latest news for Tempting Tangles Designs


A new Baby, another Tree


How about stitching one of these trees to greet a new baby? Brought to you by Shannon Christine, they are full of cute mini motifs and amazing detail.

Baby Girl Tree cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs

Baby Girl Tree

Baby Boy tree
Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
Baby Boy tree cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs 
Baby Girl Tree cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs, zoom3Baby Boy tree cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs, zoom2Baby Girl Tree cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs, zoom2

>> see more patterns by Shannon Christine Designs

>> see all the latest news for Shannon Christine Designs


Flower Babies


Brought to you by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin, two Baby samplers, one for a boy, one for a girl, with an adorable "French touch".

Garden Baby Girl cross stitch pattern by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin

Garden Baby Girl


Garden Baby Boy

Counted cross stitch pattern by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin
Garden Baby Boy cross stitch pattern by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin, zoom 1
Garden Baby Boy cross stitch pattern by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin, zoom2Garden Baby Boy cross stitch pattern by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin, zoom3Garden Baby Boy cross stitch pattern by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin, zoom4

>> see more Children's patterns by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Melin

More Birth Announcement patterns


Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Baby Sampler (cross stitch chart)
Baby Sampler
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Fairy godmothers - baby ABC - cross stitch pattern - by Sylvie Teytaud
Fairy godmothers
Sylvie Teytaud
New baby - Boy/girl - cross stitch pattern - by Barbara Ana Designs
New baby - Boy/girl
Barbara Ana Designs
Peacock & Fig - Her Ladyship (cross stitch chart)
Her Ladyship
Peacock & Fig

Perrette Samouiloff - It's a boy! Birth announcement (cross stitch chart)
It's a boy!

Birth announcement
Perrette Samouiloff


>> see all cross stitch  patterns celebrating a Baby's Birth


New vintage cross stitch postcards by Monique Bonnin


Celebrate the birth of a new baby, retro style, with these fun patterns, sure to be cherished by the new parents. You can even actually send the cards by post.

Vintage Postcards - Baby Birth  cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin


Vintage Postcards - Baby Birth
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin


Vintage Postcards - Baby Birth  cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1

>> see more Vintage post card patterns by Monique Bonnin

>> see ALL patterns for Baby and Toddlers

>> see all the latest news for Baby patterns

Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Faby Reilly Designs - Peacock Biscornu
As featured in Cross stitch Gold magazine issue 156 on sale June/July 2019

Peacock Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Peacock Biscornu
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
As featured in Cross stitch Gold magazine issue 156 on sale June/July 2019


GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - The Little Mermaid
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 256 on sale May/June 2019

The Little Mermaid cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
The Little Mermaid
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
As featured in Cross stitch Crazy magazine issue 256 on sale May/June 2019

Lilli Violette - I love my Kitchen
As featured in the best Buys section of World of Cross stitching magazine issue 282 on sale June 2019

I love my Kitchen cross stitch pattern by Lilli Violette
I love my Kitchen
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lilli Violette
As featured in World of Cross stitching magazine issue 282 on sale June 2019

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


In spite of everything....


It's not every day that a cross stitch designer decides to tackle such a painful subject, so let's welcome the work of Kyoko Maruoka, who, with utmost delicacy, pays tribute to Anne Frank, telling both the hope and horrors of war. A design in tribute to a young girl who did not have time to live, but continues to inspire ...

A tribute to Anne Frank cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

A tribute to Anne Frank
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
A tribute to Anne Frank cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1


Heart-felt feelings, in stitches


The two designs that follow are inspired by Lucy M. Montgomery's novel, "Anne of Green Gables".

The book tells of the confused feelings and emotions of Anne, a young orphan, as she starts her new life at the farm. Kyoko Maruoka depicts two early highlights of the novel, in very expressive embroidery designs.

The first piece shows Anne discovering the power of prayer in a very personal way.

Anne (The Prayer) cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Anne (The Prayer)
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Anne (The Prayer) cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

The second design shows Anne meeting with Diana and the start of a life-long friendship.

Anne & Diana (The Friendship) cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Anne & Diana (The Friendship)
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Anne & Diana (The Friendship) cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1


>> see more patterns by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

>> see all the latest news for GERA! Kyoko Maruoka


Appearing as in a dream


Full of poetry and dreamlike charm, this new design by Barbara Ana celebrates the joys of Spring. 

Spring Deer cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Spring Deer
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Spring Deer cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Barbara Ana Designs

>> see all the latest news for Barbara Ana Designs


Old-fashioned roses and monograms


Here is a superb cross stitch project designed by Perrette Samouiloff. It draws its inspiration from old garden roses, the ones with flowers turning from pink to yellow.

A beautiful alphabet of monograms comes with the chart, letting you to personalize the stitch piece, a perfect gift for a wedding, a wedding anniversary. Mounted as a cushion, t will make an elegant piece of decoration at the head of a bed or on an old armchair.

Singing Bird Rose Heart cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

Singing Bird Rose Heart
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Singing Bird Rose Heart cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1
Singing Bird Rose Heart cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom2Singing Bird Rose Heart cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom3Singing Bird Rose Heart cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom4


The design is also available in a lovely monochrome version, cross stitched in white on natural raw linen, giving it a classic and elegant "French" look.

Singing Bird Rose Heart - Ecru cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

Singing Bird Rose Heart - Ecru
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
Singing Bird Rose Heart - Ecru cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1

>> see all Wedding patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


>> see all the latest news for Wedding patterns (all designers)


More patterns with monograms


Antique Rose Alphabet - Reproduction sampler - charted by Muriel Berceville (zoom 1)
Antique Rose Alphabet
Muriel Berceville
Lace Alphabet Sampler in cross stitch and backs stitch (zoom1)
Lace Alphabet Sampler
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Lesley Teare Designs - Alphabet - Roses zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Lesley Teare Designs
Alphabet - Roses
White Lace ABC - cross stitch pattern - by Féeféedille (zoom 1)
White Lace ABC
Maria Diaz - Romantic Wedding ABC (cross stitch patterns) (zoom1)
Romantic Wedding ABC
Maria Diaz
Agnès Delage-Calvet - Lace pinkeep with monograms, counted cross stitch pattern
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Lace pinkeep with monograms

>> see all patterns with Monograms


Ready to party!


The Roaring Twenties, Charleston, jazz, high-spirited exuberant parties, emancipation of women, straight and liberated silhouettes, the fashion of the 20s is still exerting its influence. This intricate cross stitch design, embellished with beads, is evocative both of the elegance and the partying spirit of the time. A Shannon Christine design.

Art Deco Lady cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs

Art Deco Lady
Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
Art Deco Lady cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs, zoom 1

>> see all the latest news for Shannon Christine Designs

>> see all patterns related to fashion and accessories (all designers)

More Art Deco designs


Heart Note Alley is a cross stitch band sampler inspired by my love of fragrance (zoom1)
Heart Note Alley (detail)
Gracewood Stitches
Blackwork Lady, designed by Maria Diaz - Blackwork pattern chart (zoom1)
Blackwork Lady (detail)
Maria Diaz
Gracewood Stitches design by Kathy Bungard - Lydia, seller of purple - cross stitch pattern (zoom1)
Lydia, seller of purple (detail)
Gracewood Stitches
Faby Reilly - Purple Iris Biscornu (cross stitch pattern chart)
Purple Iris Biscornu
Faby Reilly

>> see all Art Deco designs


Cross stitch and Blackwork


Colors sparkle in this stunning summer chart designed by Lesley Teare. Like the other models in the collection it blends two counted stitch techniques, cross-stitch is used for color, and Blackwork for filling flowers with a lace-like effects. 

Blackwork Flowers and Goldfinch cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Blackwork Flowers and Goldfinch
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Blackwork Flowers and Goldfinch cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

More Birds by Lesley Teare


Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Anemones and Blue-Tit zoom 1
Lesley Teare Designs - Clematis Flower and Great Tit zoom 1
Great Tit
Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Iris and Kingfisher zoom 1
Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork Flower with Wren zoom 1 (blackwork chart)

>> see all Blackwork patterns by Lesley Teare Designs

>> see all Bird patterns by Lesley Teare Designs


Quilting Blocks


The eight pointed diamond star is the inspiration for this "Home Sweet Home" design. Its points encase tiny little houses and flower motifs.

The piece is cross stitched in luminous DMC Variegated Red, which very gradually changes colors (used both in the stars and the border motifs), adding warmth to the design. A Riverdrift House design.

Home Sweet Home Patchwork Style Sampler cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House

Home Sweet Home Patchwork Style Sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House
Home Sweet Home Patchwork Style Sampler cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House, zoom 1


>> see all the latest news for Patchwork and Quilt inspired patterns


Fascinating Inca Empire


The ancient Andean civilization continues to fascinate, leaving us with enigmatic and mysterious designs. This colorful Riverdrift House sampler combines motifs of strange gods dripping gold, stylized animals, geometric patterns drawn from traditional hand-woven textiles. The cross stitch pattern is full of captivating details.

Inca sampler cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House

Inca sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House
Inca sampler cross stitch pattern by Riverdrift House, zoom 1


Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Barnara Ana Designs - Mom & Me
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 255 on sale April/May 2019

Mom & Me cross stitch pattern by Barnara Ana Designs
Mom & Me
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barnara Ana Designs
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 255 on sale April/May 2019

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


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<b>Cross Stitch Guide</b><br><b>by Lesley Teare</b>
<b>All Creatures Great and Small</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Dreaming Girl</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Clémence Jauneau 1889 Reproduction Sampler</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Couleur Tourterelle</b>
<b>Dreaming of Klimt</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
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