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» » » Lydia, seller of purple
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches


Lydia, seller of purple
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches

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Lydia, seller of purple

Kathy Bungard designer of Gracewood Stitches describes the pattern in her own words:


Lydia, a seller of purple, lived about 50 A.D. in Thyratira. She dyed and sold purple cloth which was associated with high social rank and wealth. Lydia's story is told in the Bible in the 16th chapter of the book of Acts.  

One of the first Christians, this lady was not only a highly successful business woman, but she showed no hesitation in offering her support to the Apostle Paul and others after they were released from prison.

A brave and bold woman who inspires me,Kathy Bungard

A cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches.
>> visit Gracewood Stitches' pattern gallery.

Number of stitches: 179 x 184 (wide x high)
>> View size in my choice of fabric - Click here (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches), Backstitch
Chart: Black and White AND Color
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss, 
Number of colors: 5

Themes: purple, dyeing


>> see all patterns with ornamental borders (all designers)


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Gracewood Stitches design by Kathy Bungard - Lydia, seller of purple - cross stitch pattern (zoom1)

Gracewood Stitches design by Kathy Bungard - Lydia, seller of purple - cross stitch pattern (zoom 2)

Gracewood Stitches design by Kathy Bungard - Lydia, seller of purple - cross stitch pattern (zoom3)

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