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» » » Kaleidoscope - K2
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches


Kaleidoscope - K2
cross stitch pattern
by Gracewood Stitches

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Price : $7.99
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Kaleidoscope K2

Kathy Bungard designer of Gracewood Stitches describes the pattern in her own words:

2nd in the Kaleidescopes collection, 'K2', is stitched in bright jewel tones.
One of the things I love about a kaleidescope is its elusive nature. As you turn the scope images tumble into place creating an endless variety of shapes that will never come together exactly the same way again.
K2 captures one of those moments before the next turn makes it vanish forever.
Kathy Bungard


Creative Poppy says:


Sapphire, Ruby and Topaz combine in mirror effects to create an amazing pattern. The motif will look especially precious if, like the designer, you stitch your work on a fine count fabric. It will measure a couple of inches wide and will look great in a deep frame box. You can use our calclator below to make a decision on your fabric count, depending on the desired size of your finished piece.


Also check out "K1" the first kaleidoscope in the series, featured below.

A cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches.
>> visit Gracewood Stitches' pattern gallery.

Number of stitches: 111 x 111 (wide x high)
>> View size in my choice of fabric - Click here (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch (no fractional stitches)
Chart: Black and White 
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss
Number of colors: 4

Themes: kaleidoscope, precious stones


>> see all ornamental patterns (all designers)

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Gracewood Stitches, Kaleidoscope K2 (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom1)

Gracewood Stitches, Kaleidoscope K2 (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom 2)

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