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News 2017 - 3

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Cross stitch & needlework patterns  (continued)

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Christmas nativity


With striking visual effects in the way the decorative border is designed, this ornament focuses on the essential of Christmas, the Holy Night of the Nativity.

Holy night - Nativity ornament cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches

Holy night - Nativity ornament
Counted cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches
Holy night - Nativity ornament cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches, zoom 1

>> see all cross stitch patterns related to the Nativity


More Christmas Ornaments


We carry a huge selection of cross stitch Christmas ornaments, it runs several pages long. Here's just a tiny selection. Click on the bottom link to review them all.

Faby Reilly - Nativity Humbug (cross stitch chart)
Nativity Ornament
Faby Reilly

Perrette Samouiloff - Children's Christmas - 3 motifs zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Children's Christmas

3 motifs
Perrette Samouiloff

Barbara Ana Designs - Christmas ornament Trio zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Christmas ornament Trio
Barbara Ana Designs
Samanthapurdytextile - Ornaments zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Winter Ornaments
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin - Christmas Hearts ornaments (cross stitch pattern)
Christmas Hearts ornaments
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
Gracewood Stitches - Twighlight - Ornament (cross stitch pattern)
Gracewood Stitches
Poinsettia & Ribbon Humbug, Faby Reilly - cross stitch pattern chart
Poinsettia & Ribbon Ornament
Faby Reilly
<b>Christmas Biscornu</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
Christmas Biscornu
Barbara Ana Designs

>> see all Christmas Ornament patterns


Simple pleasures of life


We love the clean, minimalist and contemporary style of the young designer.
With Samantha Purdy, capture the authentic pleasures of life, in cross stitch:


... the pleasure of walking in the woods with a friend.

Autumn Trees cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile

Autumn Trees
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile
Autumn Trees cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile, zoom 1

... the pleasure of warming your hands on a steaming hot cup of apple cider.

Apple Cider cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile

Apple Cider
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile
Apple Cider cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile, zoom 1

... the pleasure of cooking a pot of delicious home-made soup.

Vegetable Soup cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile

Vegetable Soup
Counted cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile
Vegetable Soup cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile, zoom 1

>> see more patterns by Samanthapurdytextile


More vegetables to cross stitch


Fancy a tour of the kitchen garden? There are cabbages, carrots, eggplants, pumpkins and many other flavorful vegetables to cross stitch. Check out some cute detail below.

Jardinière, designed by Maria Diaz - Cross stitch pattern chart
Maria Diaz
<b>Autumn Vegetable Patch</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
Autumn Vegetable Patch
Perrette Samouiloff
Perrette Samouiloff - Garden-Fresh Delights (cross stitch chart)
Garden-Fresh Delights
Perrette Samouiloff
<b>Spring vegetable Patch</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
Spring vegetable Patch
Perrette Samouiloff
Agnès Delage-Calvet -  A story Told in Stitches: A Day in the Garden - counted cross stitch pattern chart
A Day in the Garden
Agnès Delage-Calvet

>> see all cross stitch charts with vegetables


What's for dinner tonight?


You won't be disappointed. Here is a cross stitch piece stuffed with delicious food, fresh ingredients, simmering dishes and a chef who is busy everywhere.  A GERA creation! Kyoko Maruoka

Dear Chef cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Dear Chef
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Dear Chef cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

More delicious Cooking and Baking charts


There's a lovely smell coming from the kitchens of our designers. They certainly ahve been busy. 

<b>Recipe book cover: mes bonnes recettes</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Chouett'alors</b>
Recipe book cover: mes bonnes recettes
Today's menu (take it or leave it) - cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Today's menu (take it or leave it)
Barbara Ana Designs
Samanthapurdytextile - Ready to Bake zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Ready to Bake
<b>Busy Baking cakes</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Sylvie Teytaud</b>
Sylvie Teytaud
Busy Baking cakes
<b>Happy Childhood collection  - In the kitchen</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
In the kitchen
Perrette Samouiloff

>> see all patterns related to Cooking and Baking


Warm Winter Drinks


Winter is the season to keep yourself snug and warm with  a nice cup of tea or coffee at the ready. How about stitching one too?

Tempting Tangles - Autumn Aromas zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Autumn Aromas
Tempting Tangles
Tempting Tangles - Nose warmer zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Nose warmer
Tempting Tangles

<b>Teddy and rabbit - in Winter (large)</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
Teddy and rabbit 

in Winter
Perrette Samouiloff

<b>Hand over the coffee...</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
Hand over the coffee...
Barbara Ana Designs
<b>Drink coffee (Stitch faster)</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
Drink coffee
Barbara Ana Designs

>> see all cross stitch patterns with tea

>> see all cross stitch patterns with coffee


Live like the Royals


Introducing the new Royal Proclamations Collection, by Peacock & Fig. All of life's milestones, forming a couple, getting wed, founding a family, giving birth to a baby are depicted in cross stitch with cheeky humour and lots of glamour.

Distinctive gifts for bridal showers, house warming parties, young couples, new parents, weddings, new babies, growing families ... you name it, for every occasion there's a unique design for you to cross stitch and proudly present to your loved ones and friends.


The Royal Proclamations Collection


His & Hers


His is in Gold encrusted with ruby and lined in red velvet. Hers is in silver and sparkling with diamonds.

King cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
King cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1
Queen cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
Queen cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1
Peacock & Fig - Royal Wedding (cross stitch chart)

Royal Wedding

Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
Peacock & Fig - Royal Wedding zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)


Welcome little princelings


They deserve a royal welcome too!

Her Ladyship (Birth announcement) cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

Her Ladyship (Birth announcement)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
Her Ladyship (Birth announcement) cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1
His Lordship cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

His Lordship
Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
His Lordship cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1


Dynasties in the making


Celebrating the joy of a growing family: Iconic heraldry motifs and a touch of unexpected humour, wrapped up in classic elegance.

New Heir cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

New Heir
Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
New Heir cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1


Creating a Dynasty cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

Creating a Dynasty
Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
Creating a Dynasty cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1


Your Majesty (the Mom / the Bride / the Birthday Girl)


Exquisite stitching. Sassy yet strikingly elegant. The perfect gift for a friend's birthday or a bride to be.

Bow before me cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

Bow before me
Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
Bow before me cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1


Bridal wear with allure


Decorative, glamourous and cheeky, the perfect gift for a bridal shower.

Wedding Nights cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig

Wedding Nights
Counted cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig
Wedding Nights cross stitch pattern by Peacock & Fig, zoom 1



Exquisite needlework


Expertly designed by Dana Batho of Peacock & Fig, the Royal Proclamation Collection, is a wonderful demonstration of the power of cross stitch to render in stitches the dazzling effects of precious metals and gemstones, using a simple combination of solid color floss, metallics and seed beads on a fabric background. Quite a feat we believe on the part of the designer, and worth every cross stitch on the part of the stitcher. These pieces are simply gorgeous. Check out the lovely detail of these cross stitched pieces.

Peacock & Fig - Bow before me zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Peacock & Fig - Her Ladyship zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Peacock & Fig - His Lordship zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Peacock & Fig - Queen zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Peacock & Fig - King (cross stitch chart)


>> see all patterns in the Royal Proclamations collection by Peacock & Fig

>> see all the latest news for Peacock & Fig


More families in cross stitch


In addition to Peacock & Fig's royal dynasties, we have quite a variety of family themed patterns. You can check out a few below:

<b>We're a spooky family!</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Agnès Delage-Calvet</b>
We're a spooky family!
Agnès Delage-Calvet
A Story Told in Stitches: Family Christmas, Agnès Delage-Calvet -  counted cross stitch pattern chart
Family Christmas
Agnès Delage-Calvet
<b>The Snow family</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
The Snow family
Barbara Ana Designs
<b>Owl family</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Chouett'alors</b>
Owl family


Monique Bonnin's vintage cross stitch postcards


We've got some good news. We will be publishing some of Monique Bonnin's wonderful vintage postcard cross stitch designs. No longer available, even in France, they will now be published by Creative Poppy and available in download format.

To start with, here is one of our favorite featuring a lighthouse and incoming storm. with love the "hand painted photograph" colors and the dramatic effects of the waves breaking onto the rocks.

Vintage postcard: Avis de Tempête - Incoming Storm cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin

Vintage postcard: Avis de Tempête - Incoming Storm
Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin
Vintage postcard: Avis de Tempête - Incoming Storm cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin, zoom 1

>> see more vintage postcard patterns by Monique Bonnin


Riding the Seas, in stitches


More ideas and cross stitch patterns inspired by the Seas and Oceans.

Maria Diaz - Seafarer's globe  (cross stitch chart)
Seafarer's globe (detail)
Maria Diaz
High Seas Biscornu<br>cross stitch pattern<br>by Faby Reilly Designs
High Seas Biscornu
Faby Reilly
Sea angel - Monique Bonnin
Sea angel
Monique Bonnin
Gone fishing (large pattern) - Perrette Samouiloff
Gone fishing
Perrette Samouiloff

>> see all patterns related to the Sea


Looking after Needles and Pins


A stylish needle and pin keeper with a vintage touch. Newly released by Barbara Ana, the pattern uses a subtle palette of DMC Colors, perfect for the season.

Autumn Keeper cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Autumn Keeper
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Autumn Keeper cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Autumn patterns by Barbara Ana Designs

>> see all the latest news for Barbara Ana Designs


Pins & Needles nice & tidy


Keep those pins and needles handy when you need them. Here are some cute little things to cross stitch. They make nice gifts too.

Agnès Delage-Calvet - Red lace needlework set zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Red lace needlework set (detail of pincushion)
Agnès Delage-Calvet
Peacock & Fig - Needle Case (cross stitch chart)
Needle Case
Peacock & Fig
<b>Pins and Needles Needlework Wallet</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Muriel Berceville</b>
Pins and Needles Needlework Wallet
Muriel Berceville
Marie-Anne Rethoret-Melin - Cat on Rooftop Pinkeep (cross stitch chart)
Cat on Rooftop Pinkeep
Marie-Anne Rethoret-Melin
Faby Reilly Designs - Violet Needlebook (cross stitch chart)
Violet Needlebook
Faby Reilly Designs

>> see all Pinkeep and Pincushions to cross stitch 


Deep in the woodlands


You might have spotted her, deep in the forest, walking light-footed among the trees. Now you can stitch her lovely portrait, exquisitely designed by Lesley Teare.

Woodland fairy cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Woodland fairy
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Woodland fairy cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see more figures and portraits designed by Lesley Teare

>> see all the latest news for Lesley Teare Designs


Gorgeous Autumn hues


You can almost feel the chilly autumn wind in this splendid work created by Deborah A. Dick of Tempting Tangles. The colors used for cross stitching - all DMC - are splendid with contrasts of warm reds, greenish yellows and purple skies. The poem that inspired the work is also very evocative. An awesome piece of needlework.

Autumn nodding cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles

Autumn nodding
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles
Autumn nodding cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles, zoom 1

Here is another feast of colors by Tempting Tangles, this time stitched in hand-dyed Classic Colorworks cotton floss. Autumn, with its fine warm hues, is such a beautiful time of year to render in cross stitch.

Jumping Jack Frost cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles

Jumping Jack Frost
Counted cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles
Jumping Jack Frost cross stitch pattern by Tempting Tangles, zoom 1


Fun Halloween Ornaments


More fun stitching for Halloween by Tempting Tangles. Jack Arachnid, the king of creepy crawlies, Houses tumbling with fright and super cute kittens hiding in a pumpkin.

Tempting Tangles - Jack Arachnid zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Jack Arachnid
Tempting Tangles - Bump in the Night zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Bump in the Night
Tempting Tangles - Punkin Play zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Punkin Play


>> see more Seasonal patterns by Tempting Tangles

>> see all the latest news for Tempting Tangles


cross stitching with overdyed or variegated flossStitching with nature's colors


We must admit, at Creative Poppy we have a particular fancy for overdyed and multicolor threads. And there is no better season to enjoy those colors than autumn, when the splendid colors of foliage invite us to a festival of colors. If you enjoy cross stitching with overdyed or variegated floss, such as DMC Color Variations, Classic Colorworks or Dinky Dyes Silk, to name just a few, you might be interested to check out the following link:

>> tips for stitching with overdyed and multicolor floss


The designs featured below all use some overdyed threads to great effect.

Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin - Wishes for every season: Spring (cross stitch pattern chart )
Wishes for Autumn
Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin
DMC Color Variations
Tempting Tangles - Autumn Aromas zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Autumn Aromas
Tempting Tangles
Dinky Dyes Silk
<b>Autumn Squirrel</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Tam's Creations</b>
Autumn Squirrel
Tam's Creations
DMC Color Variations
<b>Autumn Sampler</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
Autumn Sampler
Barbara Ana Designs
DMC Color Variations


>> see all Autumn cross stitch patterns stitched with overdyed and muticolor threads (all designers) 


Christmas cuties


Children singing merrily a little boy plays the violin. A delightful pattern by Perrette Samouiloff that will look great as the background of a Christmas wreath, or simply framed in an embroidery hoop.

The Carol Singers cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

The Carol Singers
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
The Carol Singers cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1

>> see all patterns related to music (all designers)


More Christmas patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


When it comes to Christmas, Perrette Samouiloff is always full of ideas for cross stitching. Here's a glimpse of some of her Xmas patterns. There are many more to check out!

<b>Happy Childhood collection  - Christmas time</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
Happy Childhood - Christmas time
Perrette Samouiloff - Nordic Christmas banner (cross stitch pattern chart)
Nordic Christmas banner
<b>8 Christmas Ornaments</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
8 Christmas Ornaments
<b>Santa is really busy! (large pattern)</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
Santa is really busy!
<b>Red Christmas Sampler</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
Red Christmas Sampler

>> see more Christmas patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Christmas Gifts - Customized


Imagine receiving a personalized gift with this little polar bear and your own initial! These little bears by Lesley Teare are so cheerful and cuddly, they are a delight to stitch and will be cherished by the gift's recipient for their own sake.

Of course you could also stitch the whole alphabet as a banner too. Click on images to see the full alphabet.

Polar Bear Alphabet cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Polar Bear Alphabet
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Polar Bear Alphabet cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see all Christmas mini-motifs (all designers)


Happy Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!


Now complete, From Tempting Tangles, Deborah A. Dicks' "Night before Christmas" series, comprising 4 ornaments, that put together read the entire poem. We particularly love the beautiful last part with an imposing St Nicholas holding a bejewelled staff

Tempting Tangles - Dash Away All! Christmas Ornament (cross stitch chart)
Dash Away All!
Tempting Tangles - Comet & Cupid - Christmas Ornament (cross stitch chart)
Comet & Cupid
Tempting Tangles - Dancer & Prancer - Christmas Ornament (cross stitch chart)
Dancer & Prancer
Tempting Tangles - A Merry Christmas to All!  Santa (cross stitch chart)
A Merry Christmas to All!

>> See all Christmas Ornament patterns (all designers)


Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - Christmas Ornaments
As featured in the Christmas Decorations Special of Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 238 on sale Nov 2017

Christmas Ornaments cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Christmas Ornaments
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 238 on sale December 2017

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines

Which House is the Witch's House?


Latest from Barbara Ana, fun stitching for Halloween, pack full of amusing detail. Ideal for making a little gift for a friend.

Witch House? cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Witch House?
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Witch House? cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Halloween patterns by Barbara Ana Designs


Careful when you open the door...


... of that closet. You're in for a surprise. This pattern is full of special effects, starting with the glow in the dark motifs, and the shiny black lacquer effects of the specialty threads. Fun and detailed stitching for Halloween with Shannon Christine!

Broom Closet cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine

Broom Closet
Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine
Broom Closet cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine, zoom 1


New photos of Luna


Check out this beautiful stitched version of Luna, also by Shannon Christine. It was crossed stitched on 32 count Crystal Haunted by Picture This Plus Fabrics. We love the detail of the spider web lace on the hat!

Luna cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Wasilieff

Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Wasilieff
Luna cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Wasilieff, zoom 1

>> see all patterns for Halloween (all designers)


Coming up soon: Quick stitching for Thanksgiving


Think ripe fruit, tasty veggies, plentiful harvests and gorgeous fall colors - with a generous dose of those fun overdyed embroidery floss colors mimicking autumn leaves. 

Harvest Mini Motif Sampler (large)
Harvest Mini Motif Sampler
Perrette Samouiloff
Thanksgiving Biscornu
Thanksgiving Biscornu
Barbara Ana Designs

Be thankful
Be thankful
Barbara Ana Designs


Grateful Turkey
Grateful Turkey
Barbara Ana Designs

>> see all patterns to stitch for Thanksgiving


Jungle baby


It's a boy! He'll love to grow and find out his name is on this cute baby birth announcement. By Perrette Samouiloff.

Note: this design has been derived from two existing motifs at a stitchers request. If you had bought the previous charts, we'll be happy to send you the extra alphabets and placement charts. Let us know.

It's a boy, birth announcement cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff

It's a boy, birth announcement
Counted cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff
It's a boy, birth announcement cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff, zoom 1

>> see more Baby patterns by Perrette Samouiloff


Mini motifs for Little Ones

From new born baby to preschooler, these charts will let you record in stitches all the events in the life of a young child. Baby birth announcement, first steps, first birthday, first trip to the seaside. These well thought-out mini motif charts by Lesley Teare, with plenty of extra alphabets and numbers, will let you  create personalised stitched works for your loved ones with maximum creativity.

Motifs for Baby Gifts cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Motifs for Baby Gifts
Motifs for Little Ones cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Motifs for Little Ones
Motifs for tiny Toddlers cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Motifs for Tiny Toddlers

>> see all children's patterns by Lesley Teare Designs


Newborn Baby


A palette of bright pastels, quite sprightly for a Birth Sampler. We love it!

Baby Sampler cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Baby Sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Baby Sampler cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1


Baby's World


Also by GERA! Welcome Baby into a tender world of little rabbits, birds and flowers. The soft subdued colors create a peaceful and quiet atmosphere. Includes letters and numerals for stitching baby's name.

Our little World cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Our little World
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Our little World cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1


Nursery rhymes in stitches


GERA!'s interpretation of Little Boy Blue and Little Bo Peep in cross stitch: So cute, who can resist stitching this pair? There's also a tutorial for a perfect finish (see below).

Little Bo Peep cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Little Bo Peep
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Little Bo Peep cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1

>> see more Children's patterns by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka


Cross stitch frame finishingNew free tutorial: Cross stitch frame finishing 

>> Tutorial: Cross stitch frame finishing    

An easy, no-fuss way of displaying your stitched works with maximum effect.

By Kyoko Maruoka of GERA!.


>> see all free tutorials


Awesome Tree


Take a close look at all the exquisite detail in Faby Reilly's Tannenbaum.

The piece is entirely stitched in powdery pink tones, with delicate details of gold and ivory as well as some specially adapted stitches. A masterpiece of needlework.

O Tannenbaum in Pink cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly

O Tannenbaum in Pink
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly
O Tannenbaum in Pink cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly, zoom 1

>> see all Christmas Tree patterns (all designers)


Jewels and fairies in the snow


Another tree, this time a branch. A white silhouette covered with snow. All the better to show of the gem-like ornaments around this bird house. Designed by Shannon Christine.

Christmas Branch cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs

Christmas Branch
Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
Christmas Branch cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs, zoom 1


Next some tiny dancing fairies, exquisitely detailed in a mixture of beadwork and cross stitch.

Holly Jolly Fairies cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs

Holly Jolly Fairies
Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
Holly Jolly Fairies cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs, zoom 1

>> see all Christmas patterns by Shannon Christine Designs


Winter visitors


Thre's a delicate Christmassy feel to this wreath pattern, embellished with red berries, ivy, holly and Christmas roses. Five little winter birds have come to visit, expertly rendered in cross stitch by Lesley Teare.

Winter Bird Wreath cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

Winter Bird Wreath
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
Winter Bird Wreath cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1

>> see all bird patterns by Lesley Teare Designs

>> see all Christmas patterns by Lesley Teare Designs


Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


Maria Diaz Designs - Christmas cards motifs - Santa
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine Christmas issue 235 on sale October 2017

Christmas cards motifs - Santa cross stitch pattern by Maria Diaz Designs
Christmas cards motifs - Santa
Counted cross stitch pattern by Maria Diaz Designs
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 235 on sale Christmas 2017

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines

GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - Mini Christmas Ornaments
As featured in Cross Stitch Gold magazine issue 141 on sale September 2017

Mini Christmas Ornaments cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Mini Christmas Ornaments
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
As featured in Cross Stitch Gold magazine issue 141 on sale September 2017

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


Childhood on the Farm


Latest from Barbara Ana, this Sampler tells the story of Twisted Oak Farm, as seen through the eyes of 9 year-old Sadie Woods. We love the rustic feel, the slightly derelict barns, the intriguing symbols and trees of life and the little girls holding hands.

Sadie Woods Sampler cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs

Sadie Woods Sampler
Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs
Sadie Woods Sampler cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana designs, zoom 1

More Farm patterns


<b>Good milk</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Chouett'alors</b>
Good milk
<b>Countryside Home sweet home</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Monique Bonnin</b>
Countryside Home (detail)
Monique Bonnin
Barbara Ana Designs - All Creatures Great and Small zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
All Creatures Great and Small (detail)
Barbara Ana Designs
<b>On the farm (large pattern)</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>
On the farm
Perrette Samouiloff
<b>Farm Yard ABC</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Maria Diaz</b>
Farm Yard ABC
Maria Diaz

>> see all patterns with Farms & Barns (all designers)




We received a query from a stitcher who wanted to customize this sampler for a wedding anniversary. Not only did Barbara Ana supply dates, but a whole set of alphabets so you can now customize any text, dates and initials and record lives of your loved ones in cross stitches. Think weddings, anniversaries or even a tribute to some forebears of yours.

The set of letters and numerals is included with the chart. If you have already bought the chart, contact us and we will email it to you.

Love Never Fails cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs

Love Never Fails

New letters and numerals

Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs
Love Never Fails cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs, zoom 1

>> see more Sampler patterns by Barbara Ana designs

>> see all the latest news for Barbara Ana designs


Cross-stitch Patchwork


Looking for a beautiful way to display your needlework? Think quilting!

Even if you've never made a quilt in your life, this will work for you. Kathy Bungard of Gracewood Stitches takes you step-by-step through the process of mounting your stitched work, log-cabin style, into a quilt. Check out this great tutorial.

Tutorial: how to make a 4-block quilt cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches

Tutorial: how to make a 4-block quilt
Step by Step  by Gracewood Stitches
Tutorial: how to make a 4-block quilt cross stitch pattern by Gracewood Stitches, zoom 1

>> see all free tutorials available on Creative Poppy's website

>> see the Traces of Lace patterns shown in this quilt


Jewel like ornaments in Blue, Silver and Gold


Beautifully detailed, with soft curves enhancing every tiny stitch, these new ornaments by Faby Reilly sparkle in a contrast of icy blues and silver highlights. They are part of the exquisite Frosty collection.

Frosty Snowflake Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Frosty Snowflake Biscornu
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Frosty Snowflake Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1
Frosty Star Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs

Frosty Star Biscornu
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs
Frosty Star Biscornu cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly Designs, zoom 1

More ornaments in the Frosty series


Ornaments like no other, in a lovely harmony of colors and fun shapes to stitch.

Frosty Snow Flake Humbug (Christmas ornament)
Frosty Snow Flake Humbug (Christmas ornament)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly
Frosty Snow Flake Humbug (Christmas ornament)
Frosty Star Humbug (Christmas ornament)
Frosty Star Humbug (Christmas ornament)
Counted cross stitch pattern by Faby Reilly
Frosty Star Humbug (Christmas ornament)

Check out all the other matching "Frosty" items in this beautiful series of cross stitch patterns with highlights of gold and silver.

Frosty Humbug Frosty Humbug Frosty biscornu Frosty biscornu Frosty Pendeloque Frosty Pendeloque Frosty star (Xmas ornament) Frosty star Frosty table mat Frosty table mat


>> see all patterns in the Frosty series by Faby Reilly Designs

>> see all Christmas ornament patterns by Faby Reilly Designs


Christmas Ornaments from Tempting Tangles


New from designer Deborah A. Dick, 2 designs inspired by the all-time favorite poem "The Night before Christmas". All Tempting Tangles designs, no matter how small, are elaborately designed with fun stitch detail such as the loop-made beard of Santa Claus, the red-bead-tipped noses of the reindeer, or the decorative borders worked with Sofia crosses and beaded diamonds.

Tempting Tangles - Santa's Sleigh - Christmas ornament (cross stitch chart)
Santa's Sleigh
Tempting Tangles - Dash Away All! Christmas Ornament zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Dash Away All!
Tempting Tangles - Comet & Cupid - Christmas Ornament (cross stitch chart)
Comet & Cupid
Tempting Tangles - Naughty or Nice Santa - Christmas Ornament (cross stitch chart)
Naughty or Nice Santa

>> see all Christmas ornaments (all designers)


Stitchers' essentials


Indispensable in any stitcher's chart library: a chart full of joyful mini Christmas motifs, always handy whenever there is a personalized gift to make - or just for the fun of stitching cheerful and quick pieces, one for every day leading up to Christmas!

25 Christmas tag motifs cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs

25 Christmas tag motifs
Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs
25 Christmas tag motifs cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs, zoom 1



A British Christmas


Traditional designs with a special touch - we love Christmas as seen through the twinkling eyes of British designer Lesley Teare.

Lesley Teare Designs - Holly Girl zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Holly Girl
<b>A Partrige in a Pear Tree</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Lesley Teare Designs</b>
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Lesley Teare Designs - Blackwork angel zoom 1 (Blackwork chart)
Blackwork angel
Lesley Teare Designs - Christmas Birds (cards) zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Christmas Birds
Lesley Teare Designs - Christmas Angel cards zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Christmas Angel cards

>> see all Christmas patterns by Lesley Teare
>> see all the recent news for Lesley Teare Designs


Kyoko Maruoka's little Christmas shopKyoko Maruoka's little Christmas shop




Once a year in Japan,  GERA!  designer Kyoko Maruoka stages her pretty embroidered creations in a small shop and invites stitchers to attend. It is an opportunity to exchange and proudly showcase one's achievements, find new ideas, seek inspiration and ask for advice. For those stitchers who live too far to attend, here is a glimpse of the GERA Christmas Shop!


>> see all Christmas patterns by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Christmas Ornaments cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Christmas Ornaments
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Christmas Ornaments cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Mini Christmas Ornaments cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Mini Christmas Ornaments
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Mini Christmas Ornaments cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Santa has come - I zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Santa has come - I
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Santa has come - II zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Santa has come - II
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Santa's House zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Santa's House
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Santa's S.O.S. zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Santa's S.O.S.


>> see all the latest news for Christmas

Christmas on Creative Poppy's website


Theres' a huge amount of choice of Christmas patterns. We've decided to reorganize them in categories to help you search for the perfect chart for your Christmas stitching

Cross stitch patterns for celebrating Christmas and the holiday season

>> Large and Medium-size patterns

Christmas ornaments to cross stitch

>> Ornaments

Christmas and greeting cards to cross stitch
>> Small designs,
Greeting cards & Mini-motifs

Winter and Christmas biscornu patterns to cross stitch
>> Biscornus

Christmas Welcome banners to cross stitch

>> Welcome Banners

Christmas projects, advent calendars to cross stitch
>> Other projects, advent calendars

Nativity patterns to cross stitch
>> Nativity
Angel patterns to cross stitch for Christmas
>> Angels
Cross stitch patterns for Christmas featuring Santa Claus
>> Santa
Cross stitch patterns featuring Christmas Trees
>> Christmas Trees
Cross stitch patterns related to Christmas Baking
>> Xmas baking
Cross stitch patterns featuring Snowmen
>> Snowmen

Creative Poppy Designers in the news


Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?

Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.


GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - Dear Mr Postman
As featured in The World of Cross Stitching magazine issue 159 on sale August - September 2017

Dear Mr Postman cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Dear Mr Postman
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
As featured in The World of Cross Stitching magazine issue 159 on sale August - September 2017

>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines


Blooming Girl


An exceptional cross stitch series by Japanese designer Kyoko Maruoka of GERA! Each embroidered portrait is a slice of life, with the young girl prey to reverie, at the fragile turning point when one is no longer a child, not quite yet a woman. These creations are inspired by  Osamu Dazai 's novel, The schoolgirl.

The Scent of Lilies cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

The Smell of Lilies
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
The Scent of Lilies cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Roses Embroidery cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Roses Embroidery
Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Roses Embroidery cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Forever (cross stitch chart)
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Forever zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Good Night (cross stitch chart)
Good Night
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Good Night zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Posing (cross stitch chart)
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - Posing zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - The Schoolgirl's days (cross stitch chart)
The Schoolgirl's days
cross stitch pattern
by Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka
Gera! by Kyoko Maruoka - The Schoolgirl's days zoom 1 (cross stitch chart)

>> see more patterns by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

>> see all the latest news for GERA! Kyoko Maruoka


The Golden Apple


A pretty Russian folktale, a golden apple, a firebird that comes at night  to steal the apple, a Russian prince who goes off in search of the firebird  ... all good reasons to embark on the journey stitching this sumptuous and colorful piece.

Firebird cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka

Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Firebird cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka, zoom 1


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<b>Cross Stitch Guide</b><br><b>by Lesley Teare</b>
<b>All Creatures Great and Small</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Dreaming Girl</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
<b>Clémence Jauneau 1889 Reproduction Sampler</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Couleur Tourterelle</b>
<b>Dreaming of Klimt</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Barbara Ana Designs</b>
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