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» » » Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle


Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle

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Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler


A heavily faded sampler comes to life and can be recreated in all its former beauty thanks to Meriem Chauvet's painstaking research and observation (Meriem is the collector and designer behind Couleur Tourterelle). We love the beautiful trees that surround the church - or is it two churches? - with the larger tree so tall it is higher than the bell tower. The church's typical architechtural features a crenelated tower emphasising the sampler English origin.


Interestingly, the sampler does not include a Biblical verse or religious quote, as would have been typical of the times, but a poem dedicated to the stitcher's mother. The stanza picked by Selena is from a poem by by Ann Taylor (1782-1866) in a work entitled «My Mother». 


And can I ever cease to be
Affectionate and kind to thee
Who wast so very kind to me
      My mother


Each stanza of this poem features a question in the first three verses and ends with the same answer : My mother.


Regarding stitching, there are a couple of shifted cross stitches, cross stitches shifted laterally by one fabric thread, and used to ensure the perfect symmetry of doors and windows, as well as a few stitches over a single thread. 


The original sampler (last photo) is part of the personal collection of Meriem Chauvet of Couleur Tourterelle . The reproduction cross stitch chart strictly reproduces every stitch and matches all colors of the original sampler.

Reproduction Sampler stitched using Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC, worked on 40ct linen. Size 8 ¼ x 9 ½ inch (21 x 24 cm).

A cross stitch pattern by Couleur Tourterelle.

>> see more Reproduction Sampler patterns by Couleur Tourterelle

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler

Chart size in stitches: 170 x 190 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 40ct Permin linen, color Lambswool
Stitched size: 8 ¼ x 9 ½ inch (21 x 24 cm)
Stitches: cross stitch over 2 threads, a couple of cross stitches shifted by 1 fabric thread, Double Running stitch
Chart: Color and B&W, includes one-page chart for Digital stitching
Threads: Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC
Number of colors: 7

Themes: England, early 19th century, church buildings surrounded by large tree.


>> see all Early 19th century Reproduction samplers (all designers)

>> see all patterns related to England (all designers)

>> see all patterns related to Mother and Mother's Day (all designers)

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Couleur Tourterelle - Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 1 (cross stitchchart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 2 (cross stitchchart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 3 (cross stitchchart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Selena Radcliffe 1828 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 4 (cross stitchchart)

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