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» » » Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle


Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle

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Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler



This French sampler dated 1854 features a large catholic church altar, typical of mid 19th century samplers from the South of France. The stylized vine which serves as the sampler border is a reference to the words of Christ as told in the Bible (John 15:1-8): « I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. » Everything was indeed very codified in samplers of the time.


Surrounding the sampler are more light-hearted motifs, vessels with flowers, birds, and even a little dog.


At first glance, it looks like the young girl stitched her name as 

maria+s+a+de+l l+a(Maria Sadella)

On closer inspection, and taking into account the customs of the time, the actual meaning is 

maria s  agée de 11 ans 1854 (Maria S. aged 11 - 1854)

We therefore learn that Maria was 11 years old when she stitched this piece, but we do not know her last name.


The church altar is depicted in great detail, with a monstrance and 4 church candlesticks on top. The holy spirit is represented in the form of a dove and cross above. Around the altar are objects that can easily be recognized such as two large censers on either side, as well as the "Instruments of the Passion", objects associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and often present in French samplers of the time.


The original sampler is worked in silk on linen and measures 11 inch x 10 ¾ inch (28 x 27 cm). 


Colors selected for the reproduction sampler are the ones seen on the wrong side of the original sampler. To stay as close as possible to the original colors, the reproduction chart uses a mix of Soie d'Alger (AVAS), Gloriana Silk and Classwic Colorworks silk. DMC substitutes are also  provided.

The last but one image compares the original and the reproduction. The last image shows the original sampler in full.

A cross stitch pattern by Couleur Tourterelle.

>> see more Reproduction Sampler patterns by Couleur Tourterelle

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler

Chart size in stitches: 181 x 185 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 36ct Edinburgh linen by Zweigart (82)

Stitches size: 10 1/4 x 10 1/2 inch (26 cm x 26.5 cm)
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Stitches: cross stitch, cross stitches shifted by 1 thread
Chart: Color and B&W, includes one-page chart for Digital stitching
Threads: Soie d'Alger (Au Ver à soie) and Gloriana and Classic Colorworks Silks (or DMC substitutes)
Number of colors: 7

Themes: France, mid-19th century, catholic church altar


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Couleur Tourterelle - Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 1 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 2 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 3 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Maria S 1854 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 5 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Maria S 1854 Reproduction and original sampler

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