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» » » » Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle


Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler
cross stitch pattern
by Couleur Tourterelle

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Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler

This early 19th century, with a representation of Adam and Eve in paradise in the center, is of Flemish (Belgium) origin and is part of the personal collection of Meriem Chauvet of Couleur Tourterelle . The reproduction cross stitch chart strictly reproduces every stitch of the original sampler (see last photo).


Of particular interest is the bird in a cage on the right, with wedding rings above its head, a symbol of marriage. Indeed as explained by Joke Visser in her book “Oefenstof” dedicated to Dutch Sampler samplers,  there is a saying in Dutch,"Onvrij maar veilig", i.e. "Not free, but safe", meaning that, while it deprives of liberty, marriage brings security. 


Other interesting features in the sampler are objects of domestic life, including a cradle, and other elements refering to the Catholic faith.


The stitcher was already 16 when she completed this work - possibly explaining why she had marriage in mind. Interestingly she stitched two other samplers two years later, reusing a number of motifs (patterns being rare at the time).

Original Sampler (last photo) worked in cross stitch, using silk over 2 fabric threads. Size 10 x 7 ½ inch (25 x 19 cm). 

Reproduction Sampler stitched using Soie d’Alger silk from Au Ver à Soie (AVAS), with cross stitches worked over 2 fabric threads on 40ct linen. Size 10 x 7 inch (25.5 cm x 17.5 cm).

A cross stitch pattern by Couleur Tourterelle.

>> see more Reproduction Sampler patterns by Couleur Tourterelle

Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler

Chart size in stitches: 201x139 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 40ct Lakeside linen
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Stitches: cross stitch, a couple of cross stitches shifted by 1 fabric thread
Chart: Color and B&W, includes one-page chart for Digital stitching
Threads: Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC
Number of colors: 7

Themes: Flanders (Belgium), early 19th century, Adam & Eve in paradise, Catholic Church, marriage, bird in a cage, domestic life, baby cradle


>> see all Reproduction sampler patterns with Linenmaid's Alphabet  (all designers)


>> see all Early 19th century Reproduction samplers (all designers)

>> see all patterns featuring Adam & Eve (all designers)


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Couleur Tourterelle - Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 1 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 2 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 3 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 4 (chart)

Couleur Tourterelle - Catherine Elisabeth Masson 1826 Reproduction Sampler, zoom 5 (chart)

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