Fabric calculator

Estimate how much fabric you need to stitch this design depending on your choice of fabric.
Autumn Vegetable Patch
cross stitch pattern
by Perrette Samouiloff

<b>Autumn Vegetable Patch</b><br>cross stitch pattern<br>by <b>Perrette Samouiloff</b>

Pattern size (in stitches)
Thread count
Select your choice of fabric. If stitching on linen or evenweave, decide if you will stitch over 1 thread or over 2 threads.
The calculator will provide the size of the stitched area. You can also estimate your total fabric need by adding a border around the stitching and/or adding extra fabric for framing or finishing. Then click GO.
1. Additional border around stitched area (on each side):
2. Extra fabric for framing/finishing (on each side):