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» » » The snooty parrots
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs


The snooty parrots
cross stitch pattern
by Barbara Ana Designs

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Price : $13.99
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The snooty parrots

This is an exceptional piece by designer Barbara Ana that quite sums up the work she has done over the last few years. Designed in the manner of an antique late18th century sampler it features a beautiful little ode by Samuel Wesley as a centerpiece:


No glory I covet, 
no riches I want
Ambition is nothing to me
the one thing I beg from Kind Heaven to grant
Is a mind independent and free


Surrounding the poem are the two "snooty parrots" each perched on a tree. The sampler features many interesting motifs including trees of life, Adam & Eve, and an exquisite countryside scene with several characters and animals.


The initials are those of family members and are randomly distributed around the pattern. An alphabet is provided for personalization.


The piece was cross stitched on 40ct linen fabric, over 2 threads for the most part, although in several small areas such as the little frame for signing the work, tent stitch is used over a single thread. 


Threads are from the Gentle Art range, in beautiful slightly faded colors.


Note: The pattern itself being 9 pages, we did not include both the Color and Black & White charts, but only the color one.

If you would like to receive the B&W version, we can send it to you by email upon request.


A cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs.

>> visit Barbara Ana's gallery.

Number of stitches: 248 x 329 (wide x high)

>> View size in my choice of fabric - Click here (fabric calculator)
Stitches: Cross stitch , Tent stitch
Chart: Color (Black and White available upon request)
Threads:Gentle Art
Number of colors: 11

Themes:  sampler, parrots, poem, work, needlework


>> see more primitive patterns by Barbara Ana

>> see European reproduction samplers by Muriel Berceville



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Barbara Ana - The snooty parrots (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom1)

Barbara Ana - The snooty parrots (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom 2)

Barbara Ana - The snooty parrots (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom3)

Barbara Ana - The snooty parrots (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom 4)

Barbara Ana - The snooty parrots (cross stitch pattern chart) (zoom 5)

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