If you're very quiet and you look carefully, you might spot these winter visitors. The squirrel looks a bit startled, the birds continue to happily gorge on berries, and a pair of white rabbits look at each other, as if figuring what to do next.
An alphabet is encased in the center of the pattern but you can easily customize you work and replace it with your own text. This delicate piece is designed by Perrette Samouiloff and stitched using a gorgeous range of DMC Variations floss.
Creative Poppy is proud to now be showcasing the works of Deborah A. Dick, of Tempting Tangles.
Deborah is a very creative and talented stitcher, a master of color, with very rich patterns full of intricate and well thought out detail.
All Tempting Tangles designs published by Creative Poppy come with an additional easy-to-read Color chart overview reference chart.
We have devoted an entire article showcasing the work of Deborah A. Dick of Tempting Tangles, with extra focus on some of her works and her use of special threads and stitches. Do check it it
>> see all cross stitch patterns designed by Deborah A. Dick of Tempting Tangles

A vision of the World, stitch by stitch
New by Barbara Ana, an exceptional Sampler!
Framed within the King James' Bible quote at the top of this Sampler is a vision of paradise, with celestial angels and shining planets and stars. Down below are the animals, and a profusion of plants and fruit. Adam and Eve stand under the Apple tree.
Barbara Ana offers her vision of an abundant world and the fateful moment Eve hands Adam the forbidden fruit.
All Creatures Great & Small
If you like The fall (see above), you might also like another of Barbara Ana's wonderful large-size samplers:
All Creatures Great & Small which also revolves around a quote of the Bible.
>> see all Sampler patterns by Barbara Ana Designs
Winter Feathers
Winter is possibly the best season for observing birds. Coming after Spring, Summer and Fall, here is Winter Birds, the final design in this beautiful series by Lesley Teare. Lesley Teare is a keen bird watcher and an expert cross stitch designer. You'll recognize the particular characteristics of each and every bird she depicts, such as the visiting redwings right in the center of this cross stitch piece.
Bird watchers' heaven
Here are some more details of birds featured in Lesley Teare's exquisite patterns. So see the full pattern, click on the image, otherwise to view all , follow the link below:
>> see all bird patterns by Lesley Teare Designs
Creative Poppy Designers in the news
Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?
Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.
Barbara Ana - My Wool
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 222 - Christmas issue - on sale as of October 2016
 | My Wool | Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana |
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>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines
A sumptuous mix of cross stitch and beadwork
If you are familiar with Shannon Christine's work, you won't be surprised to see her adding wonderful beaded accents to her needlework. In this exceptional piece, she takes it a step further, combining both techniques into a unique design with a dimensional effect.
This peacock's graceful head emerges from an almost psychedelic mix of joyful colors, flowers, arabesques and paisley motifs, each motif unique.
>> see more patterns by Shannon Christine Designs
More Peacocks
With their beautiful feathers and wonderful hues of blue and green, peacocks are a real delight to stitch. Here are more peacock cross stitch charts to check out.
Creative Poppy Designers in the news
Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?
Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.
Barbara Ana Designs - Christmas ornament Trio
As featured in The World of Cross stitch magazine issue 249 on sale Nov/Dec 2016
Barbara Ana Designs - Tweet Biscornu
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 233 on sale November 2016
>> see all the patterns featured in cross stitch and needlework magazines
Plenty of inspiring cross stitch projects for Christmas
We've just released a large number of new patterns and ornaments to cross stitch for your Christmas projects. Check out the latest news here!
>> See all latest pattern news for Christmas

Luna, a bewitching lady
New from Shannon Christine Designs, inspired stitching for Halloween !
This extraordinary piece is all about light. The glass ball is central in this design and emits a mysterious glow. It lights up the lady's face from below. The satin folds of the dress catch the moonlight. And the round full moon itself seems to mirror the ball. Expert cross stitching with beautiful bead embellishments, brought to you by Shannon Christine Wasilieff.
 |  Luna | Counted cross stitch pattern by Shannon Christine Designs |
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>> see more patterns by Shannon Christine Designs
What will you be cross stitching for Halloween this year?
Eyes glowing in the dark, owls flying low, bubbling cauldrons....It's the time of year when stitchers forget to be serious and get stitching some really quirky stuff.
There are over 50 Halloween projects to pick from on Creative Poppy's website.
Here are details of some of our cross stitch patterns for Halloween, by some of your favorite designers. Click on the images to see the full design.
>> see all cross stitch patterns for Halloween
Another Bird flies in
New from Barbara Ana, an extraordinary bird in the designer's unique style. It fits a small roundish ditty bag and comes in a superb palette of warm terra cotta and turquoise blue against a chocolate brown background.
Birds of every feather Birds do indeed occupy a huge place in Barbara Ana's needlework. They are very often the central character, sometimes dramatically oversize. From tiny hummingbirds on a scissor fob to the most extraordinary birds of paradise, there is a wealth of cross stitch projects waiting for you: >> see all cross stitch patterns with Birds by Barbara Ana Designs | The Raven | Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs |
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Back to School
Little ones have packed their bags and are on their way to school again. Here's a wonderful excuse for reminiscing the old days while you stitch.
>> See all cross stitch patterns related to school
More seasonal patterns
There is so much more on Creative Poppy's website
>> See all cross stitch patterns for Autumn
Creative Poppy Designers in the news
Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?
Click on the picture to access the corresponding design.
GERA! Kyoko Maruoka - 5 Kokeshi dolls (cross stitch pattern & tutorial)
As featured in the Best Buys section of The World of Cross Stitching magazine issue 247 on sale September/October 2016
Now available: the whole series of A New World, by Barbara Ana
Over the seas is the fifth and final part of this colorful sampler by Barbara Ana. It reads in 5 parts, like a story, each stitched on a different color linen band, then assembled. An exceptional cross stitch piece.

Here are all 5 episodes of The New World:
>> see more cross stitch patterns by Barbara Ana designs
Little Klara, Little Peter
A couple of weeks ago we introduced the work of Japanese designer Kyoko Maruoka of GERA!. The designer excels in particular at creating cute cross stitch charts with children which are proving really popular. We are now introducing two more designs, one with a little girl, one with a boy. Each of these small images are pack-full of amusing detail.
All charts come with user-friendly color and black and white charts, for extra easy reading.
 |  Little Klara | Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka |
 |  Little Peter | Counted cross stitch pattern by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka |
>> see more patterns by GERA! Kyoko Maruoka
Darning stitch revisited, with a contemporary twist
Who would have thought a forgotten old stitch could look so elegant and contemporary? That's counting without Agnès Delage's sense of style and creativity. Picking the simple darning stitch as the object of her study, she jazzes it up and turns it into these graceful and decorative "Etudes".
 |  Etudes N.1 | Counted cross stitch pattern by Agnès Delage-Calvet |
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>> see more patterns by Agnès Delage-Calvet
Boudoir style cushion
With its soft muted tones and classic elegance, here's the perfect cushion for a classy, chic home. We like the contrast between the textile motif and the colored square in the background which gives it a contemporary touch. This cushion is brought to you by Gracewood Stitches and is part of the Vintage textiles collection.
Home deco idea: This design can easily be turned into several cushions. Why not stitch a trio in three base colors, simply substituting the pink for mint green in one and light Scandinavian blue for the other?
Trending now: French Boudoir Style
Feminine with classy elegance, the French Boudoir style is making a comeback in home decor. A baroque armchair, gilded mirror, lights with crystal ornament drops, lush upholstery, plenty of comfortable cushions, it doesn't take much to make a cosy "boudoir style" retreat in a corner of your home. Here's a selection of needlework projects that will complement it perfectly.
>> See all Boudoir Style cross stitch patterns
Autumn Birds by Lesley Teare
Bird lovers rejoice: here is the third in the series of plate-shaped motifs showing birds in the wild, one for every season. The Winter motif will follow in a couple of weeks so you can stitch the whole series.
>> see more bird patterns by Lesley Teare
Stitching with nature's colors
Using overdyed and multicolor floss
Maybe fall is the best season to truly appreciate the fantastic colors that nature brings us and that inspire all artists, including of course needlework designers.
No color is uniform in nature. Thanks to overdyed and multicolor threads, we cross stitchers can achieve some outstanding effects, coloring in our blank canvas and adding just that extra variation in tone that makes our stitched piece so much more vibrant.
Tackling these threads is not as easy as it seems though. We've given those threads quite a bit of though, exploring ways our designers have taken advantage of the color properties of the multicolor and overdyed threads. Check the article below exploring 5 ways to tackle those beautiful overdyed and multicolor threads.
>> tips and tricks for stitching with multicolor and overdyed threads
Now put these fun tricks and methods into practice with this selection of beautiful designs for fall
>> Autumn cross stitch patterns using multicolor and overdyed threads
Autumn as seen by Perrette Samouiloff
Children are gathering bunches of colorful leaves and berries when they make a surprise encounter with a little fox.
>> see more Fall and Winter patterns by Perrette Samouiloff

Kokeshi dolls - new pics
We've just received these pictures and we couldn't resist posting it them our website. They both feature one of the little kokeshi dolls designed in cross stitch by Kyoko Maruoka (GERA!). The photos were taken by a stitcher who loves to collect kokeshi and tells us she just had to have this one.
The picture on the right shows the kokeshi used as a charm on a little red purse. So cute!

The stitcher has an extensive collection of antique and modern kokeshi dolls. The pictures (left) show her largest kokeshi doll (an antique doll 18 inch high), together with a modern medium size one she made herself (painted on wood) and the tiny cute cross stitch one. Quite a family!
>> 5 Kokeshi doll patterns and tutorial by Kyoko Maruoka (GERA!)
Creative Poppy Designers in the news
Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?
Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.
Barbara Ana Designs - Hocus Pocus
As featured in World of Cross stitch magazine issue 246 on sale September 2016
 | Hocus Pocus | Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs |
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Barbara Ana Designs - The Witch's Inn (Bed & Breakfast)
As featured in World of Cross stitch magazine issue 246 on sale September 2016
Barbara Ana Designs - A New World
As featured in Cross Stitch Gold magazine issue 131 on sale September 2016
 | A New World | Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs |
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>> see
all patterns featured in cross stitch magazines
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