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Cross stitch & needlework patterns (continued)
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Spinning wheels
Here is the second pattern in the Traces of lace series, a collection of patterns by Gracewood stitches that features lace-like motifs. This stunning motif, Spun Plum, is full of movement, as if spinning wheels were working in concert. The background color, in two shades of plum, evokes the transparency of tainted glass.
>> see more patterns by Gracewood Stitches
Roll out the picnic blanket
Mother bear is taking her children on a treat tea-time party, out in the countryside. You'll enjoy stitching this fun cross stitch design by Lesley Teare that's full of delicious details. Check it out close!
>> see more patterns by Lesley Teare Designs
A new Needlebook by Faby Reilly
Now available in the pink lotus series of needlework accessories: a needlebook. You can now stitch the complete matching series including a scissor case, scissor fob, pin-cushion and needlebook.
More Needlebooks by Faby Reilly
All these needlebooks have matching scissor cases, scissor fobs and biscornu shaped pin-cushions.
>> see all scissors and needlecase patterns (all designers)
With all my heart
Delicately balanced, this cross stitch sampler by Agnès Delage-Calvet is arranged all around the central motif, a large ornate heart. The motif is then repeated in multiple smaller variations all around, including in the elaborate frame.
>> see more friendship patterns
Exquisite lacework
A combination of backstitch and cross stitch, this is a stunning piece of needlework. Like other works by Agnès Delage-Calvet this design is inspired by ancient lace motifs. This one is in the shape of a square so it would make a perfect cover for a box, except if you decide to frame it instead. Extra borders motifs also come with the chart.
>> see more lace patterns by Agnès Delage-Calvet
Delicately blending Blackwork and Cross stitch
Designer Lesley Teare is introducing a new series that combines the intricacy of Blackwork with the colorful effects of cross stitch. You'll love stitching these exquisite designs.
>> see more Blackwork patterns (all designers)
Garden Flowers
Take a tour in Lesley Teare's gardens.
>> see all garden patterns (all designers)
Summer flowers, vibrant with color
A contemporary feel for these small snapshots of summer flowers, with vivid colors entirely covering the whole canvas. Worked either in cross stitch or needlepoint, these small projects make wonderful mini frames to add touches of color to your home decor.
>> see more flower patterns by Lesley Teare Designs
More sunny colors
More vibrant colours for joyful summer stitching.
>> see all summer cross stitch patterns
Creative Poppy Designers in the news
Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?
Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.
Faby Reilly Designs - High Seas Biscornu
As featured in The World of Cross Stitching magazine issue 245 on sale August 2016
Lesley Teare Designs - Cats in trouble
As featured in The World of Cross Stitching magazine issue 245 on sale August 2016
Welcoming GERA! Designs by Kyoko Maruoka
Creative Poppy is proud to be publishing the works of Kyoko Maruoka, a talented Japanese needlework designer.
Kyoko Maruoka's work comes under the name of GERA!
More and more stitchers worldwide have been discovering Kyoko Maruoka's work but her charts are hard to find. Now, finally, they are available as downloadable patterns, on Creative Poppy's website.
All GERA! designs published by Creative Poppy come with easy-to-read Color charts and English-language instructions.
>> Learn more about GERA! patterns
>> See all patterns by GERA!

Welcome into our home
This house shaped cushion is embroidered on both sides, combining multiple stitches such as Stem Stitch, Satin Stitch, Fishbone Stitch, Lazy Daisy and more. Designed by Agnès Delage-Calvet, it comes with thorough instructions and user friendly diagrams. If up to now you have only done cross stitch, here's a fun project to get you started on some other stitches. Enjoy!
 |  Welcome House (English version) | Counted embroidery pattern by Agnès Delage-Calvet |
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>> see more Embroidery patterns by Agnès Delage-Calvet
More houses to cross stitch
If you prefer cross stitch, here's a selection of more designs with houses. Click on the link below to see them all.
>> see all cross stitch patterns with houses (all designers)
A day at the seaside
How best to enjoy the summer? At the seaside of course. Designer Perrette Samouiloff takes us for a stroll along the beach, gathering seashells and watching the small fish spring out of the water. The beautiful hues are from the DMC Variations embroidery floss range, with subtle changes of color that make for fun stitching
More Seaside patterns
Explore the many different designs created by Perrette Samouiloff: the 1900 bathing costumes, the beach scenes, the fishermen and the small sailboats in the distance.
These are details of the patterns. To view the full design, click on the pictures.
>> see more Seaside patterns by Perrette Samouiloff
Many more designers, each in their own way, have designed lovely patterns depicting the seaside. Here is just a sample. click on the link further down to see them all.
 | Octopatches Counted cross stitch pattern by Tams Creations |
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 | Fishmarket Counted cross stitch pattern by Monique Bonnin |
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>> See all cross stitch patterns related to the Sea (all designers)
Pretty wildflower
Celebrating the beauty of one of the prettiest of wildflowers, here is the Poppy Girl!
 |  Poppy Girl | Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs |
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More patterns with poppies
Also by Lesley Teare, here are three more gorgeous cross stitch patterns featuring poppies.
>> see all cross stitch charts with flowers designed by Lesley Teare
>> see all cross stitch charts with poppies (all designers)
Q&A: What to stitch for a wedding, in little but no time?
Here's a question we received from Charlotte:
" I should have gotten started earlier. My niece's wedding is in two weeks now! What could I stitch that would make a unique gift?"
Carole answers for Creative Poppy:
Why not stitch a ring cushion? It won't take long, and it makes a pretty little keepsake. You can stitch the names of the bride and groom at the back, as well as the date and place. If you're a quick stitcher you can even match it with Faby Reilly's garter!
>> see all cross stitch patterns for Weddings
Oriental meditation
Let Maria Diaz take you for a tour in a buddhist temple garden, among the flowers and lanterns.
These sophisticated cross stitch designs, with a light oriental touch, are wonderful for making home decor items as well as small stylish accessories.
>> see more patterns by Maria Diaz Designs
A stroll in a Rose Garden
As if lost in her thoughts, this young lady is taking a stroll in a rose garden, gathering roses in her basket. Arabesques of flowers hang down from the arches. A dove gently beckons as she makes her way among the rose-shaped topiaries.
This cross stitch design by Lesley Teare is part of a series of portraits of young girls by Lesley Teare.
 |  Rose Girl | Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs |
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>> see more patterns by Lesley Teare Designs
Now available: part 2 of A New World, by Barbara Ana
Plentiful Meadows is the second part of this colorful sampler by Barbara Ana. It reads like a story. Each new part will be released monthly.
>> see more cross stitch patterns by Barbara Ana designs
A play with light and transparencies
Imagine a piece of lace filtering the sunlight, the light itself passing through a translucent jade stone. This is the image that inspired Kathy Bungard of Gracewood stitches to create this intricate cross stitch pattern, and even a series (the soon to come Traces of Lace).
The lace pattern itself is left unstitched, as if to emphasize the translucent effect. A remarkable work.
>> see more cross stitch patterns by Gracewood Stitches
More patterns with lace motifs
Stitching - in cross stitch and backstitch - is a wonderful way to reproduce lace patterns. The motifs gain extra dimension and stand out visually. In addition, contrary to lace itself which is often fragile, lace stitched on needlework fabric can be used for a variety of projects that need a background fabric such as cushion covers, pouches, pinkeeps and any items that need to be assembled.
>> see more cross stitch patterns with lace motifs
Fine Japanese Sashiko motifs - now available in cross stitch
Thanks to Kyoko's studio, these 10 traditional designs have been transcripted into cross stitch and are now available for all!
These motifs, mostly used in the japanese needlework technique of Sashiko, required tracing the motif onto the fabric before stitching. Now available in a counted technique, namely cross stitch, the tracing stage is no longer required and you can stitch direct onto the fabric, reproducing these magnificent motifs with a flawless effect guaranteed.
This is the first in a series of "Cross stitch Notebooks" by Kyoko's Studio compiling designs revolving around a common theme.
>> see more cross stitch patterns by Kyoko's Studio
More Japan inspired patterns
A walk in the fields
A lose cotton blouse cotton floating in the wind, a straw boater ... this cute cross stitch piece by Lesley Teare makes you feel like walking in the fields and picking wildflowers.
 |  Daisy Girl | Counted cross stitch pattern by Lesley Teare Designs |
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>> see more cross stitch patterns by Lesley Teare Designs
New mini motif charts by Maria Diaz Designs
Looking for vehicles, boats, airplanes or anything that moves on wheels or is propelled by an engine? You have it!
Designer Maria Diaz has designed no fewer than 65 different mini patterns with everything from vintage cars to mini submarines and helicopters. They come in two series and will make a wonderful resource for any serious cross stitcher. Think birthday cards and small gifts (key rings, magnets) for years ahead.
Maria Diaz is an expert cross stitch designer and excels at mini motifs. Do also check out all her other mini motif charts.
>> See all mini motifs designed by Maria Diaz Designs
In Season: Irises in full bloom
The sharp petals of irises are opening in multiple hues of blue and purple, in vivid contrast to their bright green leaves. Shown below are some beautiful renderings by three designers full of talent.
>> see more patterns with iris flowers
Designer of the Month: FéeFéedille
FéeFéedille is a mother-daughter team where Marie-Claude paints and Julie stitches. Check out these fine watercolor paintings of flowers, exquisitely transposed into cross stitch.
>> see more patterns by FéeFéedille
Creative Poppy Designers in the news
Searching for a cross stitch pattern you've seen featured in a needlework magazine?
Click on the picture to access to the corresponding design.
Marie-Anne Rethoret-Melin - Girls' paradise, come in!
As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine issue 217 on sale May/June 2016
A New World by Barbara Ana
Exciting news for Barbara Ana cross stitch aficionados!
The designer has just released Part One of A New World a gorgeous new cross stitch pattern that comes in 5 parts. The Sampler reads like a story, each part stitched on a different color linen band. They all come together in the end forming a single picture - although of course you can select to stitch a piece on its own.
Embark with Barbara Ana on a voyage, a voyage that will take you through towns and villages, through woods and prairies and even overseas! Each part of the pattern is pack-full of fun details that are amusing and fun to stitch.
New parts will be released monthly.
 |  A New World - part 1: The Night of all Fears | Counted cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs Part one is stitched on a purple background and features a witches' village with colorful houses huddled together and the witches readying for their nocturnal activities. |
>> see more patterns by Barbara Ana Designs
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